Just wondering who on this board has a spouse that is fully in and your awake?

by goingthruthemotions 55 Replies latest jw experiences

  • goingthruthemotions

    Hello All,

    i am just curious who on this board is in the same situation has i am? A spouse that is fully brain doogled in and you are awake to TTATT.

    Without going into serious detail and no names are given. i would like to possible talk with one of you all, it's just so helpful to communicate with someone in the same situation as me.

    i am located in the southwest united states.

  • OneEyedJoe
    You've got a PM
  • Sail Away
    Sail Away

    Hi goingthruthemotions, I stayed in for 30+ years after my husband left. He would be happy to talk with you. I'll send you a PM.


  • wannaexit

    Hi goingthroughthemotions, I am awake now but it took about 10 years after my husband figured things out. I am sure my hubby would talk to you.

    PM me if you like.

  • kairos

    I left three years ago. My wife was at the Meeting today.

    She has a "wait and see attitude". Or "Waiting on Jehovah"

    Which I assume, is waiting for the GB to admit that they are wrong and all DA themselves before she can envision not following them...

    Filthy cult...

  • Lied2NoMore
    Yup that's me, fully awake, spouse more active to meetings than ever before, even when I was MS, I was always prodding her to attend, now she rarely misses, she knows full well how I feel about the cult, full well how much damage I would do if ever locked in a room for a JC with 3 elders, thankfully she covers for me as needed
  • ab.ortega
    full well how much damage I would do if ever locked in a room for a JC with 3 elders, thankfully she covers for me as needed

    What is this damage you speak of, Lied2NoMore??

  • Ignoranceisbliss
    Same situation. I am awake (still active) but my wife and the mother of my children is fully indoctrinated. It's a brutal situation to be in.
  • Lied2NoMore


    Well I'm 6'5" and built like a brick sh*thouse, i own intimidation, LOL!

    I know I'll never be called for JC because even when I was regular elders would pee down their leg shaking my hand and beg me not to squeeze too hard and comment how they hoped I was "on their side."

    I love that about me.

  • eyeuse2badub

    I'm located in central Calif. Left the borg 4 years ago. Resigned as elder 5 years ago. Checked out mentally and emotionally 7-8 years ago. "overlapping" was final lie that helped me, Wife is full blown dub and is 'praying' I'll return 2 jehober!

    just saying!


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