Just wondering who on this board has a spouse that is fully in and your awake?

by goingthruthemotions 55 Replies latest jw experiences

  • TheListener

    Once I knew it wasn't the one true religion as I thought. I knew that I wasn't going to let my kids grow up in the religion. I knew that if I continued on going to meeting and service, that my kids would do so too. I also knew that if I stopped I may lose my wife and other family members. I felt that I had to stop and try my best to save my kids and if I ended up divorced I would still do everything I could to save my kids. I couldn't stomach the idea of my kids growing up as witnesses and then eventually shunning me. I really believe that if you have young kids you need to do all you can to save them and that saving them is more important that saving the marriage or other family relationships. I know it's easier said than done but many here have put everything on the line to live a life of freedom and to save their kids.

    I really hate the JW cult.

  • Magwitch
    I really believe that if you have young kids you need to do all you can to save them and that saving them is more important than saving the marriage

    Absolutely spot on Listener!

  • Vidiot

    xjwsrock - "I'm an awake elder..."

    In-Too-Deep - "I'm fully awake, but still serving as an elder."

    How the hairy blue f**k have you guys not had a complete nervous breakdown by now?

  • Drifting Away
    Drifting Away
    I also am fully awake. Have young kids still, wife said she still wants to stay in but if she didn't, then she wouldn't even believe the Bible. So I am taking it slow,gonna work at her pace. We both have been missing alot of meetings, lately.
  • goingthruthemotions

    Thank you all for the encouraging words and the giving me strength to keep trucking on.

  • leaving_quietly

    Missed this thread. I'm in this situation. Wife a fully-in JW and refuses to even listen to one word I have to say about anything biblical or spiritual. It's a taboo subject in the home. I haven't been in service for a year now, nor to meetings since last November, save a couple of special occasions.

    My path to learning TTATT started because of a bad marriage. The marriage still isn't good. Me being fully awake hasn't helped at all, but instead has really exacerbated the situation. At the moment, we've settled into a kind of uneasy truce, meaning that she can say whatever she wants about her experiences at the KH or in service, or whatever, but I can say nothing. That's what we call "compromise". That pretty much sums up "compromise" in my entire marriage. I compromise. She doesn't. End of story.

    Ok, I'm gonna shut up now. Getting pissed off writing this.

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