Anthony Morris wants former Jehovah's Witnesses DEAD

by neat blue dog 57 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sigfrid Mallozzi
    Sigfrid Mallozzi

    Not only are the "Annointed" riding with Jesus Christ but Anthony Morris will be a King and Priest and judge who will speak to Jesus Christ on behalf of the imperfect humans on earth, as JW doctrine says that JC is mediator only for the 144,000. Think about a man that loves to think of your death as being your lawyer.

  • Finkelstein

    In a broad general sense the JWS religion is a psychopathic death cult where members are inundated to the suggestion that pretty much all of humanity is going to be burned to death or killed in some way soon and they on the other hand will survive this destruction and live on into eternity.

    Fear is a tool the WTS uses to not only lure people to the organization but also to control and sustain its supporting members through money and labor.

    Since the leaders of the organization can now see the accountable membership slide down, they are more pressed to reiterate the fear and reassert loyalty to the organization.

    Your going to see more of this in the future to be sure........count on it !

  • Overrated

    Hey Tony Morris- Jesus called and said that that at Armageddon you will be a waterboy/porta-potty cleaner.

  • LongHairGal


    I understand about knowing The Truth About The Truth saving your life - or what’s left of it for those who are older! 🕰

    It seems they are furious so many people are leaving so we can expect hateful comments and ‘warnings’ from JWs who are still in.

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    I have never understood the attitude that wants people dead. Ok I know you can get deeply fed and sickened by others but bottom line is God loved the world so much he gave his only-begotten son, in order that everyone excercising faith in him might not be destroyed but have everlasting life." (John 3:16)

    And Jesus taught that God wants MERCY not sacrifice. He came to call sinners not righteous people. (Matthew 9:13)

    I remember sitting with another publisher and looking out on a lot of people. The publisher told me they looked forward to seeing all these people die at Armageddon. I was horrified to hear someone express such a callous view and I said so. I wondered what motivated them to go out on the ministry.

    After all if you were the parent of a wreckless son or daughter and that one die because of their own folly, even though you never apporved their lifestyle, you, as the parent would never want them dead. But you would yearn for them to stop behaving in a way that was putting them in danger.

    Oh well, I got disfellowshipped in the end.
  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    Maggots serve a purpose. They clean all the meat off the bones of dead matter. I think he'll be surprised when he becomes maggot food like every other living thing. I guess his survivors will be surprised as he'll be in heaven fighting for power with Jesus. You think he'll take second place? lol

  • pistolpete
  • pistolpete
    Anna Marina
    I have never understood the attitude that wants people dead.

    It's a skewed mentality. A person's mentality can be twisted by several different methods. In the case of JWs, it is the indoctrination to a really messed up ideology that does the trick.

  • Finkelstein

    A. Morris is a hate ridden, self righteous, ignorant, apathetic asshole who being a money making false prophet apostate himself has as much chance of being approved by Jesus to make it through Armageddon as elephant trying to squeeze through an eye of an needle.


    The Governing Body is feeling the heat of criticism from apostates, the exposure of their attempts to cover up child abuse, hundreds of pedophile lawsuits, shrinking donations, shrinking of print literature ( where money was made from the sales to its own publishers ), and the hundreds of books and internet sites exposing the Watchtower Society fraud.

    Mr. Morris and the Governing Body know attacking apostates is their only defense. The walls are finally closing in on them!

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