Lost on how to respond...

by babygirl30 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • stuckinarut2

    "Thanks for your message.

    You asked how I'm doing? Really really well in fact! Very happy, healthy and busy enjoying the gift of life.

    I wish you all the same.

    Take care."

    This simply acknowledges the message, but doesn't start down the path of interaction and further dialogue.

  • brandnew

    In other words the main thing is not to panik......live your life baby.....handle your buis......catch that?

    Do your thang , and @&#$ what others think.

    Are they gonna pay your bills, ....??? Doubt it.

  • Dagney

    The last highlighted paragraph is a doozy. But it is the cult mind speaking, and we don't speak the same language anymore.

    If I felt consideration for the person, I think I would just answer positively and thank him for his thoughtful response. Keep the communication as such that if down the line he had issues with JW he could approach you. I make it clear I'm happy and well and glad they are the same. It seems to befuddle the JW's I know. They expect us to be "sighing and crying" in our lives. When we are not, they seem to not know what to say.

    Good luck.

  • brandnew
    Wutt up stuck........??? You better be ok😁😁
  • brandnew

    Daaaaaaamn hollywood......always up to no good.....just jokin.......tail lights are coo......just keel em kinda dim .....ha ha ha

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Hi babygirl30,

    it is so sososo SO hard to do this but it is truly the finest and most effective put down: say nothing, not one thing, ever again.

    I'm old, trust me this is the best comeback you can deliver!



  • LisaRose

    I would just say that you appreciate his concern but are quite happy as you are.

    There's not much you could say that would ever get through to him, so why waste time on a response.

  • ToesUp

    By responding, you may as well walk up to the wall and bang your head. It will make ZERO difference what you say.

    The Elders have a task at hand. They have been instructed to get in touch with DF'd and inactive ones to invite them to the memorial.

    Not trying to hurt your feelings but all he is doing is a task that he was instructed to do. Nothing more.

    You were kind and loving in reaching out to him. Let it go at that...a good deed.

    Like Doc says....the best revenge is living a happy and successful life. Hugs to you! The world needs more kind and loving people like you.

  • brandnew
    Omigosh.....has anybody seen baby's pic on flippers thingy????? She's gorgeous.... N stuff☺
  • JRK

    Ignore it and he will go away.


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