Lost on how to respond...

by babygirl30 51 Replies latest jw friends

  • babygirl30

    I think the part that bothers me the most is the "I worry about you"...I want to respond "FOH...how worried have you been that you have not once reached out to see if I'm ALIVE in 8yrs?" I don't think they hear themselves when they write this mess. Common sense should apply. But it's seriously lacking...

    And using my family as a ploy also does not work. My own father ignored me right in front of our entire extended family at our summer reunion - do you think HE cares about me? NOPE! So trying to manipulate me by throwing their 'love' in the mix will only do the opposite for drawing me back. - hahahaha

  • sparrowdown

    Tell him "Jehovah" won't forgive you because you are now poisoned garlic bread only fit for the trash. :(

    If he's been keeping up with the broadcasts he will get the reference and never contact you again.

  • brandnew

    Wuuzz up holliwood.....tell that lame to kick rocks , n see what yo tail lights look like๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    Just sayin mizz u.

    Yo no 1 puerto rican.

  • brandnew
    N stuff
  • brandnew
    Hee hee......hi sparrow....n stuff๐Ÿ˜Š
  • babygirl30
    He liked my tail lights WAY too much for me to throw that in his face! -hahahaha.
  • sprintcmp

    Dear ____, It never ceases to amaze me how mere humans such as yourself continually make assumptions about the spirituality of their fellow man. They believe they have the authority to interpret and judge the status of other peoples relationship with their heavenly father and assume they are unaware or have forgotten about the forgiveness he offers to us all. Some even go as far as to insinuate that others are in need of an extra measure of his forgiveness .

    Thanks for your misdirected concern and once again, I send my condolences to you and your family

    Pete's response This is response I would give....they always assume you have done something so bad that you are ashamed to return....This response calls them out on that and makes it clear that you have made a well thought out DECISION not to be a part of their fantasy.

  • tornapart
    You could tell him that after 3 years you weren't expecting to hear from him. You hope he is well and you remember him with fondness (as a friend). Say that you know Jehovah has forgiven you (if indeed you did anything that needed forgiveness) and you are very happy in the place you now find yourself. You appreciate his concern but you won't be coming back, you have made a new life for yourself and being a Jehovah's Witness is no longer a part of it. Wish him well in his life and say goodbye.
  • steve2

    No matter what you have done Jehovah has the ability to forgive you.

    "Oh, [John], please excuse me but there's some miscommunication here. I emailed you to express my sincere condolences over the death of your brother and I am surprised you've used it as an opportunity to promote your religious beliefs. Now, just as it was important all those years ago for you to realize I was not into you, you need to also realize I am not into jw.org. All the same, thanks for your belated offer - but the answer is, 'No, thanks!' Best wishes, [babygirl30]!"

  • babygirl30

    Now, just as it was important all those years ago for you to realize I was not into you, you need to also realize I am not into jw.org. All the same, thanks for your belated offer - but the answer is, 'No, thanks!' Best wishes, [babygirl30]!"

    I'm CRYING over this one!!!! That actually sounds like something I would say to someones FACE (as I am a very blunt b*tch at times)! -hahahaha. I love it.

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