Just finished reading COC whoa!

by Thunder Rider 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • Thunder Rider
    Thunder Rider

    It took me over a month of reading every night before bed, but last night i finished reading Crisis Of Conscience. I was amazed by what I read. The extent of disregard for peoples feelings and lack of human kindness to those who had given a major part of their lives to theocratic service, made me sick. To hear of how some of them were disfellowshiped offhandedly for trivialities, in their latter stages of life, was disgusting.

    It was 1980 when I started to wonder for myself why things were not happening the way I had been taught. I was still active in the 80's but for the life of me can't remember hearing any more than whispers about what happened in Brooklyn. I was that brainwashed, wearing those biblical blinders I was. How anyone could remain in active membership with an organization that has become so calluse and cruel is beyond me. I suppose it is true that many are stuck because their family and friends are there. Those friendships though are forced, based on eronious teachings, judgemental attitudes and lies.

    As I read the book things began to make sense. I still have a few of the old books and went back to check on some of the statements that Franz made. He was right. Teachings were continuallu tweaked to make things seem to fit their time line, their agenda. Why couldn't they just admit ignorance? Why must they allow their pride and need to control cause divisions among friends and families? I always fell back on the "where else are we to go?", attitude. I figured that in the longrun the org. was the best choice out there. The basic lifestyle teachings were good. If only the leadership practiced what they preached.

    Franz said something at the end of his book that got my attention. Probably the truest statement in the book. "To believe because others believe, is to have a borrowed conviction and a borrowed faith. To be genuine, and to lead to life, these must be the product of one's own mind and one's own heart." I'm still figuring out what I believe and who I believe in. When I get there, it will be right for me, of me and for me. When I have made myself whole, for I believe there is a place for faith in me, I will be that much better a husband to Sheila, a friend to my friends and man to my world.



  • DannyBear


    ****"To believe because others believe, is to have a borrowed conviction and a borrowed faith. To be genuine, and to lead to life, these must be the product of one's own mind and one's own heart." ****

    Great advice eh.

    Even though Ray wrote C of C with obvious conviction in the bible and all it inherent 'ifs'.....the way he did it, without judgementalisim, should be enough for any objective reader to see his points. A lesson many fundementalists should take advantage of.

    Very few 'believer's' can lay claim to what Ray accomplished in both of his works C of C and Search of Christian Freedom.

    Enjoyed your review.


  • Ravyn

    wonderfully expressed Thunder.

    I know CoC to be true because I knew most of the players personally. When I read the experiences it was accurate right down to how things were said by certain people that it was just totally undeniable for me. You cannot know those individuals without seeing the whole conversations and scenarios in your mind when you read the book. I had no doubt things really happened the way Ray said they did. I was there for some of it! (a child can be a fly on the wall so many times...)

    after I read CoC and the subsequent In Search of... all my ideas about reform and any warm fuzzies I might have had dissipated like when the sun breaks thru the mist. I have been criticized for my hard stance on the value of even individuals in the Borg recently(see my thread on violent rage) but I find it difficult to believe that even individuals can go thru life in total denial. I did for years, but I also left to great personal loss and much pain and suffering. and the ones who know all this and still choose to stay--I have nothing but disgust for them.

    It may have been the emotional scandals that slapped me awake--but it was the intellectual and doctrinal dishonesty and manipulation that kept me from looking back when I did leave. I could never consider going back to that. It is just so done for me.

    Treat yourself extra good for the next couple of months Thunder, it takes a while for it to all sink in and there are alot of emotions that come up at the sheer purposeful betrayal that CoC uncovers.

    lotsa love,


  • JH

    I think that many stay in the organizaton even if they know that something is wrong, because they have family and friends there. They don't want to lose these people. Also they wouldn't know where to turn to if they left. They've been told that God has one organization so they cling to that one. The bottom line is that you can't criticize the organization, even if they made mistakes, and if you do, you will be DF'd, no matter who you are.

    I also read the book last month, so did my sister who never was a JW. She couldn't get over how the organization controls every aspect of you life.

  • Ravyn

    I understand the fear of losing family. but there is a bigger picture. I have never seen anyone successfully get a loved one out of the Borg from the inside. Sooner or later honesty and integrity comes into play and someone has to admit that they have doubts at the very least. even the ones who kept a low profile had to eventually come clean with their loved ones. which proves to me that you can't stay in for someone else to get them out.

    It took me a year to plan my physical escape after I was emotionally and mentally freed. I was not referring to people who are actively trying to plan their escape. I was talking about people who know what is going on and choose to stay becoz of power trips and ego. Those are the ones who disgust me. Not faders who are waiting for the opportunity to take their family with them. Altho I do believe there comes a time when you have to bite the bullet and take the risk and just quit- sooner ot later.


  • Simon

    Have a look at Christian Freedom - that is more about the org and what they do and less about Franz's own experiences (although obviously, still from his personal accounts)

    Both are fantastic books and "must reads" for anyone leaving the org (hey should hand them out at the door)

  • caspian

    Have just ordered C of C

    What is Christian Freedom Simon??


  • Ravyn

    'In Search of Christian Freedom' is Ray's second book. more detail than the first.


  • Simon

    Its the second book he did ... much more in-depth and thicker:

    Definitely recommended reading.

  • Joyzabel

    Ray's second book "In Search of Christian Freedom"

    you can order them through www.commentarypress.com


    I agree Simon, CoC should be required reading for all leaving, but more importantly for all who are studying!

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