The Latest From The Loony Left

by Simon 38 Replies latest social current

  • LoveUniHateExams

    I identify as a rich man. That's my gender, 'rich'.

    You see, I'm a rich man born into a poor man's body.

    It's ok, tho, the government can just deposit £1,000,000 into my bank account and all will be well.

  • JimmyYoung

    We used to put people who identified as Napoleon and others they are not in mental institutions now we put them on PMSNBC.

  • joey jojo
    joey jojo

    When I was a kid I thought I was Batman.

    Turns out I wasn't.

  • Esse quam videri
    Esse quam videri

    Finally Simon comes out. I suspected it all along. You have given me courage.

    Okay, here goes. I am no longer a 67 year old, 5 foot 10 inch white male. I am now a 30 year old, 6 foot 2 inch Asian male with all of my teeth and a full head of hair. I have been asking 25 year old Asian women out on dates and not one has accepted my invitation. NOT ONE! This is so offensive to me, a young Asian male. This must be a hate crime of some kind and I may go to the authorities to have them charged. I am so angry.

  • Diogenesister
    LUHE identify as a rich man. That's my gender, 'rich'.
    You see, I'm a rich man born into a poor man's body.

    phew, finally.......I’m a tall girl born into a short girls body!!!!

    And a full head of hair ....

    Esse quam oh yes...I forgot, my hair identifies as Asian. My hair is long, thick, luxurious dark Asian hair by the way.

  • Iown Mylife
    Iown Mylife

    Well i'm a short fat white hair old woman identifying as Sofia Loren in the movie Houseboat with Cary Grant.

  • Finkelstein

    I’d take the looney left over the looney right that’s in office right now.

    I think that’s what going to happen in 2020 .

    I’m waiting for the ......... “ Mr. Trump , your fired “.

  • punkofnice
  • JimmyYoung

    Here is why I support Trump over the idiots on the left. Open borders, just a stupid idea that will destroy the country. Attacking police. The left and its anti police to attract black voters and criminals. This is why they are trying to get felons the right to vote. Muslim love. The left will play down any Muslim anti west attack and attack all Christian groups.

    Personally I know of no Christians who blow themselves up or cut off peoples heads. You are who your sick brain tells you you are. So some sick idiot thinks he is a she or she is a he or they are a dog and wallah you are that. This is mindless stupidity. Reparations for slavery, This is pure pandering to buy the black vote and turn out. No one alive was a slave owner or slave. Not to mention how many died to end slavery, do we owe them reparations? Anti White/male.

    The loony left is anti white and male. If you are born a poor white you have privilege which anyone with a brain [this excludes democraps] knows is BS. Anti male. The left loves to blame its own shortcomings on everyone else. Its never the black community's fault for its crappy cities, its never the Muslims fault who shoots up a gay bar, its never their fault its society, males, whites ect. Pull up your big boy pants and work like others who succeed did and fix the problem.

    The lefts love of communism and socialism. Communism has killed more people then small pox.

    The left is full of anti Semites. From Illhan Omar to Talib, they are anti Semites.

    The left is full out over the top on abortion. Personally I agree a woman should have the right to a point but when you have these idiots who want to let a baby be born and decide if it should live or die is insane. In the words of Gov. Ralph Northam: "The infant would be delivered. The infant would be kept comfortable. The infant would be resuscitated if that's what the mother and the family desired. And then a discussion would ensue between the physicians and the mother."

    The left is totally anti Second Amendment. They say they only want "sensible gun laws" but that is a bs cover for chipping away to ban all guns or make it as difficult to own one as they can make it until they can pack the SCOTUS and do a work around the SA.

    The left with its BS Social Justice and political correctness is killing everything from free speech to comedy. Many comedians we all grew up with are not touring colleges because of this and the snow falkes safe place mentality. The idiots on the left will use this BS to shut down or try to any speech and or ideas they don't like. They will decide who gets to own a gun, who gets to express their ideas and we have communist censorship.

    The loony lefts attack on oil and our way of life.The so called green new deal is not even something that could be done. There are no such funds or taxes that could support it. Not to mention these idiots do not seem to know that everything we use today is made from or produced by fossil fuel.

    Free college. This is not because they want to help anyone but college has become a place of indoctrination of the malleable to leftist crazy ideas.Not to mention there is no funds for it.

  • punkofnice
    Young Jimmy - college has become a place of indoctrination of the malleable to leftist crazy ideas.

    ...including Gender studies. An awful load of feminazi crapola.Totally non transferable skill set. It fills the kids heads full of stupidity.

    Like I say, the tail is wagging the dog. If someone espoused these ideas a few years ago they'd be sectioned, put in a straight jacket and carted off to the bin....rightly so.

    The left are such utter cowards that they cannot debate or discuss, they simply shout 'racist', 'homophobe', 'transphobe' or some other stupid label, to shut down any conversation.

    They even put dislikes on these comments but dare not say why.

    Rant not over.....until the snowflakes and 'victim point scorers' bog off.

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