Did any of us ever enjoy meetings?

by stephanie61092 56 Replies latest jw experiences

  • goingthruthemotions
    No....i was only able to pretend. I often wonder if my wife like going for real. she says she does, but, i really don't feel like she does. but who knows.
  • TheListener
    I always thought I did. But, after I faded I realized that I actually spent a lot of time on congregation duties or dealing with my kids instead of sitting in a seat the whole time. So I guess what I actually enjoyed was being around others who felt the way I did about things and knowing the new system was coming any day.
  • Diogenesister

    I 'm a bit manic so I found the pace of everything so painfully s-l-o-w!

    religion is sitting in a church and thinking about going kayaking. Spirituality is sitting in a kayak and thinking about God." Love it!
  • BluesBrother

    Strange.....after the better part of a lifetime going to these things, this is the first time that I actually stopped and considered this question.

    Meetings were just a part of life. It was what you did, without thinking , on a Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday. I did not expect to enjoy them but they were not intolerable either.

    Some of the Circuit Assemblies were enjoyable events, in the past. That was because they were social events (over 3 days in the distant past) . One met up with old friends, had time to chat and hang out..met girls !..Even some of the programme stuff was done in an entertaining way back in the 60's . We used to volunteer as well , doing jobs with others made the weekend fly by.

    The regular Cong. meetings though just happened. I enjoyed delivering talks and readings but never went home enthused.

  • ttdtt

    I did during a few different CO visits. We had 2 that were really good guys, smart, loving, caring. One especially is was what you would think a rep of Christ should be like.

    I also liked meetings where I gave a talk or had a part, because of the massive effort I would put in to make them informatice, motivational, and realistic.

    Besides that NO!

  • macys
    NO! I actually hated them. I remember saying to myself why the f*k am I here? Oh right, for my parents. The same old BS repeated month after month. How many times can you hear that we need to clean the KH or go out in service? Arrggg! It makes me angry actually especially now that I am going through the reinstatement process!!!
  • Ucantnome
    i enjoyed won meeting in 1979. I took a workmate to the Thursday meeting.
  • Finkelstein

    No, how can people enjoy talks about how the world is coming to an end and the speaker is ranting how not to be destroyed, most of time meetings were forced anxiety times and disillusionment..

    I didn't like the Assemblies either as well for usually it just the same old propaganda on a larger scale.

    The most enjoyably part of the meetings was when they were over and I was heading home.

    Really a sick abusive way to treat children retrospectively in my opinion.

  • FayeDunaway
    They were pure torture. Growing up, I used to do anything I could just to survive. My mother wouldn't let me draw, unless it was a picture of the bible. I used to try to remember to bring a little piece of string in my pocket, just so I could tie knots in it. If i forgot my string I felt desperate. I used to try to make trips to the bathroom as long as possible by taking the long way down the aisle. I figured if I did that, it would gain me a 8 to 10 seconds of a break from the meeting. Then one day a sister reprimanded me, said why am I going that way down the aisle, disturbing ALL OF THOSE PEOPLE, instead of the short way? I was so embarrassed I never did it again. When I got older the meetings were still torture. Seemed like we would never get from paragraph 13 to 22 of the watchtower study. But when I wanted out and was stuck until we moved, it was the worst. I would tap my toe furiously just to keep myself from screaming.
  • William Penwell
    William Penwell
    Thinking back I can never say I really enjoyed attending the meetings. It was more of a chore, duty that we had to attend. Toward the end I didn't even hear a word of what they were saying as my brain was turned off.

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