Thank You all

by plmkrzy 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • gumby
    Anyone who is aware of the conditional love that is given there would not subject themselves to it.

    I wouldn't be to sure of that one Jason. Ex-dubs have done it and still do it if they get lonley enough.

    It's like the" marijuana maintenance" program in AA for alcoholics and druggies. It's the lesser of the evils.

    If a person had nothing to live for except for family and friendships, they can succumb to almost anything if suicide isn't the choice.


  • lisaBObeesa
    It's like the" marijuana maintenance" program in AA for alcoholics and druggies.

    Sorry, off topic, but what the heck are you talking about here??

  • gumby


    In AA some who cannot stop drinking will use weed as a "substitute" for booze or drugs. It works for some.It's still "using" but it keeps them sane.

    That was the comparison. Plum keep from going over the edge, may need a "substitute" that which would be becoming a dub again. It's the lesser evil than losing it and doing something crazy.

    Now do ya follow?


  • badolputtytat

    PLUMKRZY!!! I haven't read the other replies, and I couldn't hit the "reply" link fast enough. Lookie, I am attending the meetings and all, as a matter of deception, to gain the trust of my family again... so for whatever reason you are doing this... I cannot judge you.

    ON JANUARY 21, 2002 YOU SAID " JUST SLAP ME IF IT'S A BAD IDEA"... Well I am sorry, I am not a violent person, so we will have to think of something else. I am just a dummy, and my opinion isn't worth a plug nickel... but please re-think this. Why will going back help you in the "friends" department? These are not friends, and anything they do that makes you feel wanted, is just another way to get you to do what they want. It is a cult. It is control. It is condemning, and hurtful, and deceptive. You have been a member here too long NOT to know that.

    It is obvious that you are NOT ok with this. I don't know what else to say.... but approach this carefully please. You being vulnerable right now, will make you easier prey. (and NO, I am not going to pad my words... you WILL be prey)


  • lisaBObeesa
    In AA some who cannot stop drinking will use weed as a "substitute" for booze or drugs. It works for some.It's still "using" but it keeps them sane.

    Wow. No such thing in the AA literature around here. Around here we call that "switching seats on the Titanic'.

    I do understand, though.

    ok, sorry about the off topic again!

  • gumby
    Wow. No such thing in the AA literature around here.

    It's not in their lierature. It's an unwritten law for some. I knew a few.

    OK ...back on topic


  • gambit
    -- Annotated version of plmkrzy biography --
    Born raised a JW so was my mother. My father was a bar room brawling biker who turned into a JW then an elder. My mother was anointed since the dawn of man. She was turned on to Rutherford’s records as a young girl and that is how they spent their Sundays. Listening to Rutherford on the Phonograph.

    Sounds like some good memories... Cherished moments... and most of all, it sounds as if it may have been a blessing that your father found the JW; in the sense that you felt some "security and comfort" in the upbringing and that he found something to live for besides drinking (Im not saying it was any better in the long range, but independent changes are really, really hard to navigate on your own -- he needed some help and took what he found)

    My brother was thrown out at 16years old for being possessed by Satan. I left (ran awaaaay) at the age of 17 (mid/late 70's)then returned several years later with full entention to be good and make it into the "new system".

    I'm not sure if you feel your brother was possessed by Satan, or is the a critical review of the borg being sensitive to individual growth (especially during the tumultuous teenage years)... Are witches really bad? Is Wicca evil? Are druids or masons repulsive? Most of these people, just like the norm, are loving, caring, creative, sensuous, passionate, and confused too. But their daily inspiration, when practiced healthily, is awesome to be around.

    I stuck it out off and on for several years then disappeared, faded away quietly.

    You "stuck it out"?! Why not jump in with both feet (seriously!)... a lot of cliches come to mind ie. you'll sink or swim, sh*t or get off the pot, burn me once shame on me... so on and so on... not trying to be sarcastic here, but the hardest thing to do in life is say WHO YOU ARE... not waiver, not fade away, not fade into, not beg/plea/bargain for your needs/wants...

    My family lives all over the place but not near me. Most of the friends I had years ago are dead or were disfellowshiped and vanished. I have a close relationship with a few family members via phone and email, not all. I'm just trying to find my way...somewhere.

    My blood family also lives all over the place, as do so many of my extended family, as do all the wonderful individuals that offer their words of advice, encouragement, and other endearments here. I often find words from strangers to mean more to me than anyone else in the world... They know not my past, they care not of my future, the good that they offer I can freely take, the bad that they offend me with I can simply ignore, and my life has become richer due to our meeting.

    I come from an extensive long line of religious fanatics. Some good some bad some evil. My uncles are revs in various religions as well. LDS, Baptist, Church of Christ, I have 18 aunts and uncles and I lost count of the cousins, No there is no incest, who are mostly bible thumpers raising more bible thumpers and they all argue about who is the real Christian...please stand up. Some of my family is into other forms of spirituality. I have two uncles who were master masons before they died. They left behind some up and coming master mason children and a few eastern stars. My two grandmothers are not so different. Besides the fact they are both dead now, one comes from a Celtic&Cherokee background and the other Seminole. If you've seen one Great Spirit you've seen'm all. One grandfather is English and the other is German/Dutch/Scot.

    Quite the extensive background for doing soul-searching. I know I wish I had the heritage of more than one religious viewpoint to begin rebuilding my life structure from. But in a way, I will retract that statement... What am I really after? its not religion, it spirituality, not just in a godly sense, but in a people, everyday, emotional level sense... Im convinced that being spiritual includes encouraging others to believe different than I, if that is what makes them happy. I would never shun one of my children for believing different than I...

    The greatest spirit of all lives within you, not without you !

    I hate nasty rude people and I can turn into a colossal B on a dime if someone gets in my face. But 99% of the time I look for the humor in everything possible and I get along with most people I know. I didn't go to college until I was 35 years old. I may never stop now. My colors are Purple and Forrest Green I am a Capricorn, which means I was born a very old person. However, I do get to grow younger so by the time I am 90 years old it should work out even. What goes in between is a book the size of War and Peace and I deal with it once a week in therapy. After my 40th Birthday, I began to let go of a lot of anger and began taking things less serious. Survival of the fittest and one can't be fit and bogged down with hostility. I plan on surviving. That should be enough.

    Love your clarity and your humor. WHAT, not stop going to school !!! What an awesome, incredible feeling... wanting to learn, so that you can share it with others, wanting to look at education as an adult and how the "youngsters" view it and add insightful comments sprinkled with bits of wisdom and witty replies, helping the whole world lighten up while your at it... (Thats how I read what you wrote ) Sounds like a very positive path... What did you want to study? Anything in particular?


    I feel your pain plum... keep journaling, like you did when you wrote your profile... only keep it to yourself for a while... feel your feelings and their intensity, cuss ! and I mean swear at the big stuff and the little stuff... tell yourself where you REALLY want to be in 1,2,5 years (notice I didn't say ask yourself). use your journal to pour it all out... what issues do you really need help with (Im not implying you have issues, per se, I am using the term for when we get stuck trying to make changes)... Ask for help ! You are worth it and you are worthy of it. And you are d*mn near perfect, just like the rest of us...

    Plum... I haven't posted here much yet, but I've been lurking... stick around for a while... I will start posting more often in the near future. But for the most part, it doesn't matter who I am or what my story is, my eyes are still completely watered over as I reach inside to tell you that I know how hard it is to feel alone and searching...


  • logansrun


    Don't give up! Running into a cult does NOT solve problems. When push comes to shove, we ARE here for each other.

    Be well,


  • teejay


  • LeslieV

    ((((((((Plum))))))) You can see from all the replys that people care about you. You need to do what you feel is right for you, but please think about returning after your eyes have been open. It will feel totally different than when you were in the borg before. I personally understand not feeling like you fit any place. I also feel that way many times, but to return to what is not true either doesn't feel right. It takes along time to find our place in this "world." We are what we have been taught and raised. All of us have an insight about life that we would not have had without being in this silly religion. It has made you who you are. A sensitive caring person that is why you feel like returning to feel apart of something. Use that sensitive caring part of you to give to others and than you will not feel so alone. Volunteer, be a good neighbor, enjoy the arts the things that have been denied to you before. Whatever you decide everyone will be behind you. I sure hope you return here just so you can see how much everyone is concerned for you!!!!

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