Thank You all

by plmkrzy 69 Replies latest jw friends

  • StinkyPantz
  • sf

    She isn't really going back to the hall. I can tell.

    If she were, this would be labeled as a suicide note.

    I don't see her 'committing herSELF' to suicide, yet.


  • wednesday
    The Tower brainwashed alot of us into thinking that somewhere on this planet there is some emotional utopia that we can find if we sell enough books, put in a certain number of hours, or spend enough time studying colorfully illustrated theology comic books. However we need toface the fact that sucha place does not exist. Instead of continuing to look for this perfect place where the ppl and surroundings always make us feel good, we should accept life for what it is and know that feeling good depends mostlyon what's going on inside of us.
    That hits the nail on the head. they told us worldy people were bad and only they offered true friendship. But then we began to see they lied b/c all people have disagreements and all people are greedy to a certain extent. I was appalled to see that they did bad thing just like worldly ppl. Now we come to this board and expect perfection here too. I used to expect it from my jobs, and had quite a time holding a job for some time b/c of imperfectons of others. I forgot to notice i too was imperfect. The first thing they teach u in therapy is u have to like yoursef, or no one else will. Happiness is something that comes form within; if we are expecting others to supply it, we will always be disappointed. Also this is much like a child bieng told some thngs are good and some things are bad, and then the child sees adults who do bad things. So now he feels he can't trust anyone. Or the child who really believes in santa claus only to find out his parents lied to him. Most ppl could just get on with life, but jws would have u believe those are horrible crimes and now everyone is bad b/c they lied to u. There are some really nice ppl in the world, and some really bad ones . Just like at the KH. People are not what should take u back, can u live with what they teach, with the fact they harbor rapits and child molesters.
  • waiting

    My dear plum..........and I mean that too.

    Perhaps it's not an either/or situation? Either here or the KH?

    Even if you do go back to the KH, can you shut your eyes, ears, mind & heart for the rest of your life? When a friend of yours needs to have an operation for their child......can you keep still as that child might lay dying for lack of blood?

    When a teen gives up a college scholarship to pioneer or start their own lawn business....will you do the Theocratic Thing & encourage him? You WILL walk a tightrope the rest of your life.

    Man.................I sound as negative as the Watchtower & Awake magazines!

    Perhaps you need to strike out in the 3D world. Softball team? Library helper? Hospital help? Part time job anywhere? Anywhere to meet people? Take a class at local college - you can monitor a class & not even pay or get graded.....just learn.

    I've met you - very friendly and outgoing. Use that skill to meet New Friends.........not necessarily go back to a make believe world.

    But if you decide to stifle your mind, imagination, humor & honesty for the rest of your life.........take care. I'll miss your giggles. The assholes of the world are everywhere, not just on the web.

    Wishing you well - and wishing you success in the Real World,


  • SheilaM

    Plum: Read what Thunder said where are you can we meet you somewhere PLEASE give everyone a chance before you go back PLEASE

  • asleif_dufansdottir
    I am going back to the KH.

    I don't get it. From some of your other posts, I got the impression that you were involved in Wicca (maybe that was wrong, maybe you just know alot about it and don't personally believe in it).

    So what are you going to do about your personal beliefs, which seem to be in direct opposition to Watchtower doctrine? Repudiate them and turn into one of those JWs who gives experiences about how they were really involved in demonism and spiritistic practices, or just act like you're a JW and lie about what you really believe?

    I'm not trying to ask this in a snotty way, I just don't see how a person could deny their beliefs in order to have some semblance of "friends" in their life. I'm confused.

    Whatever you choose to do, I wish you well.

  • Bendrr

    Well you're gonna do what you want to do. I'm sad to see you leave but nothing I can say will change your mind.

    Keep one thing in mind as you leave this place and begin your struggle to get reinstated. When you or anyone else comes here, they don't have to go through some stringent membership requirements. The rules are pretty simple, don't hurt anyone. Ok, the rule. And if you want to leave for an indefinite period, people miss you while you're gone and welcome you back with open arms immediately when you return. There's no rule against applause when someone returns to this place.

    Keep that in mind as you try to convince three men that you are "repentant". And you'll indeed have to try very hard. Your every action and word will be scrutinized by those three men. You won't be proving your repentance to Jehovah, his opinion doesn't matter squat to those three elders. The only thing that matters to them is how much groveling you'll do for them. And once you're back in, well it's like Jesus said at Matthew 23:15. Read it sometime.

    If you ever miss us, you know where to find us. We'll always be your friends regardless.


  • czarofmischief

    Are you out of your gourd?

    Well, you'll learn again just how wrong this organization is.

    But we won't shun you, not like they would.

    Unless this is a joke?


  • Reborn2002

    I think it is just a cry for attention.

    Anyone in their right mind who knows the lies and dangers of the Watchtower Society would not willfully return to it.

    Anyone who is aware of the conditional love that is given there would not subject themselves to it.

    As has been previously stated in this very thread, there are MANY, MANY viable options available to someone who is lonely. Enroll in a class at a local college, spend some time at a coffee shop, join a book club... but rejoin the Jehovah's Witnesses after knowing the reality of their doctrine and practices?

    Forgive me if it offends someone, but that is only the action of a crazy person who feels they have no option.

    Plum, you are better than that. Quite frankly, the only person who can make positive changes in your life is you. Seriously consider what you are saying and act when you realize what is truly in your best interest.

  • Dawn


    Every person must decide what is best for themselves. There are two types of people in this world (1) People who truly care about others, and although they may not agree or approve of your decision they will be there when you need them, and (2) People who want to control you will only be your friend if you comply with their view of reality. And the truth is you can find these people inside AND outside of all religions - it's just part of human nature.

    I have two pieces of advice for you (1) never tell yourself you can't change your mind - we are constantly evolving and growing and what is right at one time in our life may not be at another - give yourself the freedom to make choices - both now and in the future, and (2) keep your eye out for the first type of people I listed above- these are the ones that are secure enough in themselves that they don't feel the need to pressure YOU to agree with them.

    I wish you the best in your life - and remember - you can always come back here - you don't HAVE to be an x-jw to drop in and say Hi to all of us.

    Ok - one last question - what does your name refer to? Is it a reference to the Mopar car color Plum Crazy? Just wondering because I have a 69 charger that I'm planning on painting that color.

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