Kobe charged ! so sad !, will JW's use him as an example for their young ?

by run dont walk 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • JT

    Well i just got some photos of the young lady, the net is truly a dangerous place

    her email address , home address, phone number, even the tax accessment on her folks home

    how many bedrooms , bathrrom, the sq footage of the house and lot, the taxes they paid, etc

    the net dont play

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Guilty or not I think he will get off. He will do an OJ and hire himself a dream team to defend him. In the end they will make that woman look like a slut that was asking for it. I have no use for these over paid, whining spoiled brats that make all this money and figure they can do anything they want. If he is found guilty, they should make an example of him and give him the toughest sentience possible.


  • blacksheep

    Personally, I was disgusted by his crockadile tears press release. Ugh! He didn't bother owning up to adultry before the DNA results were in, and once they were, then turn on the waterworks! Boo hoo! He was caught red-handed, and he's doing his Hollywood damnest to slither out of it. The guy screwed up. People are quick to blame the woman, of course, as they have always been in the past. What was she doing in his room. No respectable woman would be there. She got what she deserved...

    Makes me sick. This guy was idolized for his physical prowess. Oh, he's not the perfect guy we thought he was. It must be the girl's fault.

    We haven't progressed an iota in the last several centuries, IMO.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    I didn't realize that he only confess to it after they confirmed it was his DNA. Sounds to me that if he lied about that, what else has he lied about?

    Even if she was "star struck" and went up to his room, what right does that give him to assault her?


  • designs

    The price tag is in $75,000,000.00, and 3 mansions.

    Keep playing with the Ball, you'll need it for a few more years.

  • No Room For George
    No Room For George

    Sheesh. Why get married if you're capable of generating that kind of income and don't have any moral or social hangups about sex or relationships? I'll never understand that, never. The only thing I can chalk it up to is those boys are young when it happens and don't have enough sense to not allow themselves to get whipped. Tiger is a classic case of a dude with zero experience and those women made a fool out of him. Kobe I think just let his arrogance catch up with him thinking nothing like this could ever happen to him cuz he's not like other fellas out there.

  • Scott77

    marked for later

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