Kobe charged ! so sad !, will JW's use him as an example for their young ?

by run dont walk 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • Mecurious?

    Man.....whatever happend to prenuptial presexual agreements? Didn't Micahel Jordon have one?


  • SixofNine
    If it had been my daughter, I would've had a long heart to heart with her before letting her go public with this charge, cause... I'm sorry... he's rich and she's got a long hill to climb.

    As I understand it, she (and he) went straight to the hospital from the hotel room under police custody or at least escort. No real time for fatherly chats. She "went public with this charge" immediately. Sure, she could have retracted it later, by failing to file charges. I'm sure she took alot under advisement by everyone from her parents to the police to lawyers.

    A point that seems lost on most in this discussion, is that there very well may be physical evidence (beyond just the sperm, I'd bet that's almost guaranteed, what with his "confession" and all). Also perhaps witnesses, probably not to the crime, but to the level of conflict between these two individuals.

    It surprises me that anyone thinks they "know" either party enough to form a strong opinion of guilt or innocence.

  • Cassiline
    She had no business going into a married guys room.


    I hate when the female is blamed because she went to a mans room, the way she was dressed. So what. Does this allow for him to rape her if he did indeed do so?


    I just read she is married as well with a child. I also heard on the news today she was a masseuse which would explain why she may be in a married mans room.

    Today on the news defense attorneys were all over the fact she tried to commit suicide with over-the counter sleep aids. YEAH! "Shows she has no way of controling herself, she over-reacts to situations", etc. "So therefore after they had sex, she over reacated to this and then scremed rape". I love how attorneys will streach the facts.

    Someone else commented that her picture was not up all over the net. Well her life will soon be just about every detail, nothing will be private, nothing.

    And if what Six said about them leaving the hotel room and going straight to the police is correct then I say this points to less of a "set up" then if she had waited to report it. Meaning that she did not think about something like this, "Wow, I just slept with a rich man and now I am going to screw him over". Unless she planned the entire event prior of course knowing that he would indeed say yes to her advances, knew he would be there for medical reasons, knew that on his FIRST day there she could flop in the sac with him, etc... Unless the two had a relationship prior.

    Rape kits show quite a bit, a lot more then just the presense of semen, quite a bit.

    In any case I hope justice is served for which ever party is telling the truth. Right now I feel for his wife and do not see how anyone could say adultry is wrong after wedding vows are taken.


  • rocketman

    What I'm expecting now is for "dirt" to surface on this girl, as Kobe's attorney(s) will likely be wanting to plant lots of doubt about her character. I would also think that a settlement offer is going to be made. But then again, my only "legal experience" is watching episodes of The Practice.

  • teejay

    >>>> As I understand it, she (and he) went straight to the hospital from the hotel room under police custody or at least escort.

    You might be right, Six. I don't know police procedure that well, but I'd think that a victim would have an opportunity to speak with a lawyer, family member, or someone they could trust who'd offer them some kind of advise. I'd think that over the period of almost three weeks she certainly had access to legal advise.

    All I'm saying is: if it was my daughter and I had the chance, I'd try to get to the truth before allowing her to go public because whether he's guilty or innocent, she's going to get fried in the media. Guaranteed.

    That said, I believe he's innocent.

  • BeautifulGarbage

    I think I will form an opinion after the trial.

    You know, evidence and all that.

  • unbeliever
    I hate when the female is blamed because she went to a mans room, the way she was dressed.

    I was not blaming her for anything. I think she went to his room to have sex. As I said before maybe she changed her mind and he refused to stop. Again I am not saying she asked for it.

    I just read she is married as well with a child.

    I heard on the news that she had a boyfriend and he left her for another girl before all this happened. Nothing about a husband and child. She is 19 years old.

    I also heard on the news today she was a masseuse which would explain why she may be in a married mans room.
    I heard that she was a conseriage (sp?) who at the time of the alleged rape was not on duty.
  • Cassiline
    I hate when the female is blamed because she went to a mans room, the way she was dressed.

    I was not blaming her for anything. I think she went to his room to have sex. As I said before maybe she changed her mind and he refused to stop. Again I am not saying she asked for it.

    Sorry Unbeliever

    Part of my post is missing I had several other quotes up there from news sorces, I have been trying to edit without sucess. I went on to say that on NBC they were implying this was a "no no". I did not mean to target your post, as it came out different then I wanted to because some is missing. With all the news reports its making her sound as is she were at fault alone. And yes I heard too that she was a concierge as well, and god knows what to believe.



  • teejay

    >>>> I think I will form an opinion after the trial. You know, evidence and all that. -- BeautifulGarbage

    Understood. I agree. People -- even rich athletes -- are innocent until *proven* guilty. That's why I say I think he's innocent... in lieu of the evidence and all that.

    Besides, even if the jury decides "guilty," I might still think he's innocent. Juries have been wrong before. Can you say "O.J."? -smile-

  • sandy

    There are so many stories circulating now. Who really knows what is true and what isn't?

    We will probably know the entire truth.

    I want to believe in Kobe's innocence but who knows. Maybe he went on some power trip and really did hurt this girl.

    Many of Kobe's fans (including myself) became so attached to him that we are finding it hard to look at the situation with an open mind and a complete unbiased opinion.

    Though I do not know what the evidence is and it may be ignorant of me to ask but……

    I wonder if charges would have been filed if it were a black girl accusing him?

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