brown paper on the mirrors at assembly

by freein89 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie
    Men just have to go in whip it out, pee, flick it, and whip it back in
    I feel so marginalized; any personal style I have developed at this has been so totally disregarded by that comment

    Pistoff, that first quote is from my husband who has the equipment and experience. I have always wondered why God made it so inconvenient for women.


  • El Kabong
    El Kabong
    I have always wondered why God made it so inconvenient for women.

    God gave Men the ability to pee standing up. But, God gave Women the ability for multiple orgasms.

    Which would you rather have???

  • Matty

    LOL @ El Kabong!

  • blondie

    El Kabong, I don't see why I have to choose one over the other.

  • freein89

    I thought the brown paper was an isolated incident, but it looks like it was the ultimate solution, reminds me of Hitler. Will there someday be gas chambers for all the unruly sisters who tear down the paper? I cannot believe the stories here, it is beyond belief, wouldn't it be fun to get some undercover cameras in one of those restrooms to document the brown paper? It would be a great way to get people to understand what the borg is all about, particularly with regard to women. Gets me thinking about a documentary. Hmmm. Do we have any film making buffs here?


  • Mystery

    I thought it was isolated as well. It happened in South Central US as well.

  • waiting

    Ahhhhhhhhhh, such fine memories.

    My husband & I are laughing - and moaning - about all the conventions laws.

    I remember the brown paper sacks. In Indiana, Kentucky, and South Carolina. Not so isolated, eh?

    The premise behind the brothers' thinking about the sisters' vanity is tragically usual.

    1. The lines to the restroom are for the toilets. I've never seen a woman wait in line for a mirror. The vast majority of us aren't that vain or insecure. Most sisters I've ever seen will use the toilets, wash hands, check their skirts, and out the door. The sisters who wanted to use lipstick etc., always moved out of the way for those wanting the sink - at least in my experience.

    2. As has been brought out, it does take women longer. And not one mention of monthly cycles! Lord, that adds 5/10 minutes to any visit....and there will be many visits in that instance.

    3. Women *back then* sometimes had to nurse their babies in those stalls. And yes, some Walmarts had the same setup. It was disgusting to try and relax & nurse your baby sitting on an open toilet in a stifling stall while all the noise & smells going on. Thankfully, that's changed over the years.....don't know about Walmart though.

    4. I NEVER saw women with kids - and most had multiple kids (I had 3 little ones going alone to the assemblies) - who *preened* in front of the mirrors. Who has the time or inclination with kids?

    I'm sooooooooooo glad to be gone from that!


  • wannaexit

    They did this in Ontario Canada as well. Some of the sisters would tear the paper off. This thread has brought on other memories as well.

    I was at one convention in Europe where there were assigned sisters that would knock on the stall door and ask you to hurry up.

  • czarofmischief

    Simple solution: vote in slacks for women.

    CZAR is suddenly swept off his feet by a cheering crowd of long repressed sisters who cuddle and fondle him in a tormented fantasy worthy of Caligula.

  • BadJerry

    This is so funny, I had never heard of the brown paper over the mirrors before.

    Where else can a male having the career he does and being in the WTS make such a domineering/chauvanistic decision to put up brown paper on the mirrors to keep the lines moving.

    I am so glad we are OUT

    from Imanaliento Logging on to hubbys ID

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