brown paper on the mirrors at assembly

by freein89 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • termite 35
    termite 35

    Ravynthat beggar's belief!

    We had tight lipped attendants physically 'directing' us to the cubicle; also had the smart 'rap' on the door if we stayed in the cubicle for too long- and told not to flush unlss absolutely necessary -gross..... we also had 'hurry up' shouted at us- and were told to 'come on' by the toilet police.My kids thought they were so rude.

    Those were the days.

  • Shakita

    Whip it, flick it, stash funny!

    I, for the life of me, never saw brown paper on the mirrors at an assembly.....and I go back about 20 years. Are we talking before that?

    Women *back then* sometimes had to nurse their babies in those stalls.

    Oh God, don't get me started there. There was one assembly hall were the nursing women (me being one of them) were stuffed into this little eight by ten foot room with one changing table and no air circulation whatsoever...and while trying to nurse our babies we had to endure the disgusting....revolting smell of baby poop.....the memory of it just makes me gag Since then, and past my baby nursing days, they have updated their nursing area to another room adjacent the women's bathroom so that ALL the women who have just relieved themselves stroll pass you and your nursing baby to stare and bother you when all you want is to be left alone!!!

    Mrs. Shakita

  • coffee_black

    I remember the brown paper over the mirrors. Remember it at Yankee Stadium and Fenway Park... I think in Toronto too, one year. I always carried a small mirror with me, so I felt I'd outsmarted the bathroom police. Who would want to stay in those awful restrooms to begin with? Just like the org. to try to make you feel guilty about the most normal things.

    In 1976 at the district convention in Providence, Rhode Island, (which was shortly after the birth of my daughter) they set up a kind of tent for nursing mothers. It was a new idea then, and I was really happy not to have to use the bathroom to nurse her. There we all sat, nursing our babies, in various stages of undress. (Being all women, no one tried to cover up) One brother walked in, and my jw sensibilities were shocked. I had just finished nursing and I was covered, but I looked around and no one else was. I told him he would have to leave. He was outraged, and said that his wife was in there. I said that didn't men he could come in. He was not entitled to see us all in that state. We were in the nursing room for privacy, and if we didn't need privacy, we could all nurse from our seats. He still wouldn't move, and told me not to get so uptight. I told him that if my husband went in the men's room, it didn't mean I could go in to get him. He had such a smirk on his face. I left the room and went to the sign dept. I knew the brother in charge. My mother had brought him in to the "truth". I explained the situation, and he made a sign and put it up that said 'Women only" That brother tried to enter later, but I pointed to the sign and would not allow him to enter. Told him I would be happy to find an elder for him to explain himself to.

    I'm really not prudish, but I felt violated by that guy. I really don' t think his wife was in there at all...he just wanted an excuse to look. This whole bathroom thread brought up some memories.


  • Shakita


    Any guy who wants to sneek a peek at nursing women, is one sick pup. I have breastfeed my babies everywhere....the park, the mall....but always being discreet. I figured if anyone was hard up enough to stare at a nursing mother, that was their problem, not mine.

    Mrs. Shakita

  • cruzanheart
    gas chambers

    Um, with the smell in the ladies' rooms after the first day or so, I'd say we've all done our time in "gas chambers"!


  • RoadDoctor

    I always enjoyed walking to the other side of Veterans stadium and up to level 700 to find a men's bathroom that had not been converted over to a Woman's bathroom. Thus, this is where I took up pissing in the parking lot.

  • ballistic
    toilet police

    LOL quote of the thread!

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    Well what can one expect from a group of people that treat everyone like a bunch of 3 year old children. This is from the same minds that get attendants to walk around the corridors with signs that read "Please be quiet" or "Please be seated". Need I say anymore.


  • ballistic

    "please keep left and keep moving" signs in the UK.

    Do they read "keep right" in the US and if so where is the unity? Just because we drive different sides of the road? Which side is 'God's' side?

  • Francois

    Blondie, you're right. We don't have to contend with wiggling our worm through passages built into our "foundation" garments, mainly because we don't have foundation garments.

    And we don't have to wash our hands after we pee, 'cause our daddies showed us how to take a leak without peeing all over our hands. See? It's so simple. To be a guy, I mean.

    Women have got it tough from start to finish. You think they'd get a break every now and again, but nooooooooo.

    My heart is with you all.

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