brown paper on the mirrors at assembly

by freein89 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell
    And we don't have to wash our hands after we pee, 'cause our daddies showed us how to take a leak without peeing all over our hands. See? It's so simple. To be a guy, I mean.

    I always wash my hands for the simple reason that I don't know what diseases I may have picked up off the stalls or washroom doors. Just think of how many men you have shook hands with in the past, have just played with their Mr. Winky. Makes me want to go and wash my hands right now.


  • blondie

    Mr. Winky!!! Now that's a new name to me and another topic.

    Blondie (edited for Will Penwell)

    Not seeing people's faces and hearing their voices can leave some meaning out.

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell


    What am I supposed to call it? I was trying to be polictically correct here without getting censored. Maybe we should start a new thread on this subject.


  • blondie

    Sorry, Will, I should have put a smile by it. I didn't mean to make you feel bad. I think it's cute. I did a survey once of all the alternate words men use. I did not do interviews though.


  • William Penwell
    William Penwell


    I know you were being funny and I was just teasing you back. But I still feel bad


  • cruzanheart

    Once upon a time a few years ago, some group of scientists (who obviously had missed out on the WOMD grant) tested a bowl of peanuts that sat on the bar of a London pub. They found traces of urine from at least 9 different people on the peanuts. Obviously at least a few "Mr. Willies" had the dribbles . . . .


  • Xena
    Do they read "keep right" in the US and if so where is the unity? Just because we drive different sides of the road? Which side is 'God's' side?

    Everyone knows God is on the side of the US...ergo...the right is CORRECT

    Good lord I thought the brown paper over the mirror was a local thing...who knew there were so many vain sisters the world over

  • William Penwell
    William Penwell

    That does it, I am off of the peanuts to... Hey I said a pun.

    I seen on a talk show once how they went around the studio and tested things like chair handles and railings etc. and how most of it test for bacterial human fecal matter.

    Someone awhile back sent me an email about, stats say the next person that shakes your hand, i.e.. 6 out of 10 have just masturbated etc. I wish I hadn't deleted it.

    I hope no one right now is trying to eat their dinner while reading this.


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