What stupid question would you like to ask?

by logansrun 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • badolputtytat

    not MIGHT.... ARE

    and I am no intellectual.... I left home at 12, I have not been to school other than art school since. And I was NOT trying to undermine any legitimate questions, or any light-hearted questions

    All I was trying to say, is you fight this thing with facts. And YES in order to learn those facts you have to ask questions.... sometimes someone will ask questions about jws and the answer is going to be "no they are not guilty of that particular thing".

    I was hurt by them as well... I can't tell you where but my story is here too... I have returned here to find help and information in order to destroy this thing... get my family back... I have never suggested that you be censored or any such thing.... I merely suggested, that THEY (your real enemy, not me) will twist your own words and use it against you. That is all. Nothing more.

    You have a couple of people on here claiming to be "speaking for god"... nuts we call 'em. it is those kind of things, that the WT will use against YOU.... the one who REALLY got hurt. They will say "lookie... a bunch of phsyco folks"... and that, my friend, is what will invalidate the real pain that is on this board.

    But... just my opinion... nothing more.. I am not in charge and dont want to be. Just thought I would insert my opinion.... but, like YOU said... somebody always wants to censor you.

  • badolputtytat

    ps. look at it this way...

    You know all the hard work these people have put into research and finding the facts and documents about JWs? the stuff WE can use to kill it with?

    Well all that is invalid now... because everytime you say "look what we found"... they can pull up the same web site, and say "yeah, and look at all the nuts on here, all the weirdos that hear voices".

  • gumby

    Now now......calm down sweetie!

    I remember myself starting a thread called "How well do you know the Organisation?"

    The reason I started the thread is I was tired of threads being started by concerned ones..........and posters coming back with the most offbase answers I've ever heard. It bugged me that these bad replies were not helpng lurkers, or the one asking the question, and it makes ex-dubs look like liars or very bad informed people. I didn't realise how little MOST ex's, really know of the teachings of Jehovah's Witnesses. Perhaps it's the same thing that bothers others.

    Not knowing the Organisation well is no barometer for peoples intelligence. Many just never REALLY wanted to know why the dubs teach as they do. They were satisfied that the few things that convinced them the dubs had the truth, and that was good enough for them. No need to learn all the whys and what fors........".just get the lesson studied so you can get it over with".

    Anyways.....I'm having some beer and pizza tonight just for you while my wife is worshipping Jehovah at the assembly


  • no one
    no one

    Where do all the 'rubber' particles go that wear off of the millions of tires since there are no black drifts on the sides of highways?

  • Xena

    tell you what puttytat...why don't you and your "friends" send us all outlines of what is acceptable to post...we can then work up our talks posts based on these (cause heaven forbid we have a stray thought or notion not acceptable to you and yours)...I mean after all we wouldn't want to bring reproach on the org Simon's board now would we....if they stray beyond the outline we can be privately reproved by ya'll....and of course if we continue in this course d/fed from the board...after all we don't want to keep mixing in the unclean with the clean...a little leaven and all don't ya know??? And if we don't like it we can d/a ourselves in a goodby thread or simply drift away (this tends to be my chosen method as I am usually quite unconfontational)...wow why does this seem so familar to me????????

    Hey Gumby....do I need to chill a bit? Perhaps...or perhaps I am in the wrong place after all...Perhaps this place just needs to be devoted to the proper things at the proper time and anyone and anything outside that thown out and made fun of...

    I guess the times they be a changing....

  • badolputtytat

    Ok ok.. I am sorry, forget I said it.

    But let me ask you a question: Back when you first ran into this board, and you were going through whatever torture the org. put you through, and the first guy who said "hi xena, welcome to the board" turns right around and goes "..oh yeah, and by the way, THE VOICE told me to tell you, that IT will be coming for you soon"... would you have bothered to check it out further?

    Again.... I am no scholar, but didn't someone write; "a rose nut by any other name, is still a rose nut" ???

    . Xena, I have read your posts, you are an intelligent type person. An adult. What on earth would you be getting upset over a couple of statement directed to a couple of nuts For? I never mentioned censorship, or anything of the sort. I have responded to Minimus' questions, I think they are pretty thought provoking. I have also done plenty of 'cutting up' on this board, because it is a FUN and uncensored place to be. And speaking of censorship.... I will keep right on poking at the nuts.

    Perhaps it YOU who should provide the outline for what is acceptable and what is not...... oh, you just did.

  • drwtsn32

    Personally I'd like to see another "masturbation is good for you" thread. I don't think thee or four are enough.

  • JH

    A topic one might like another hates. So just don't answer the threads you don't like. No one should put guidelines on what topics can or can't be discussed. There are many sections to this forum, and every topic has it's place somewhere in it. In the friends section, you can expect anything. If you want to post deep bible stuff, there is a section for that also.

    There are so many people who come from different backgrounds and see things differently, so how can a person or a few people decide whats acceptable to post? This is not a totalitarian board.

  • unique1

    What can you give a cat with a cold? If you give it a tablespoon of Nyquil, will that be ok?

    Stupid enough for you?

  • cat1759

    I only have one dumb mind numbing question:

    Has the society ever quoted anything from this board into the literature?

    Ok, so it was a stupid question.


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