What stupid question would you like to ask?

by logansrun 85 Replies latest jw friends

  • logansrun


    Boo-hoo, let me play my violin.


    My point was not to say that anyone is better than anyone else from a moral point of view or that anyone is intrinsically "better." You also overlooked the fact that I said it is understandable that some people -- those just coming out of the JWs or have had extreme experiences with them -- vent their emotions. That is healthy and good. What is not productive is straw man arguments against the society, demonizing them the way they demonize others and the like.

    Most people that start "stupid question" threads are not hurting emotionally.


  • Francois

    Stinky, don't you remember how much I detest being shot down? How about you reconsider something in an older guy, hmmm?

  • logansrun


    You said:

    Not knowing the Organisation well is no barometer for peoples intelligence.

    Okay, this MIGHT be true. But let's see what you say next...

    Many just never REALLY wanted to know why the dubs teach as they do. They were satisfied that the few things that convinced them the dubs had the truth, and that was good enough for them. No need to learn all the whys and what fors........".just get the lesson studied so you can get it over with".

    Does the above person then sound INTELLIGENT? Hmmm.....


  • minimus

    Please supply an example of the strawman argument against the Society. And for those of us who might not "be getting it", what precisely is your point of the thread,"What stupid question would you like to ask"?

  • logansrun


    Please supply an example of the strawman argument against the Society

    An example of a straw man argument against the Society would be claiming that JWs cannot have massages, watch fireworks (I've seen someone say that), read the Bible on their own, that JWs are not allowed to log onto the internet, that the Society never consults "worldly" books for advice, that they do nothing to protect children against abuse, that most elders are pedophiles, my older brother abused me -- what a terrible organization!, that the GB are getting personally rich off the flock...Would you like me to continue?

    what precisely is your point of the thread,"What stupid question would you like to ask"?

    (I thought I've already said what the purpose was)

    Of course, the original post in this thread was sarcastic. I've noticed -- as have others -- that there are many people on this board who do not really understand the Society or the teachings of JWs that well and, hence, do not put up very good arguments against them. In fact, some of their arguments are preposterous. Maybe this thread will bring this to people's attention. Are you taking this thread personally, Minimus?


  • minimus

    Bradley, I'm not taking this thread personally at all. What do you mean by that?.....Regarding some of the issues that you expressed, there are some JW's that obviously do believe it would be wrong to get a massage from someone of the opposite sex. There are some that think the internet is evil. I know many JW's that believe consulting "worldly" authorities or sources i ill-advised. These examples are not demonizing the Watchtower.

  • Xena


    Boo-hoo, let me play my violin.

    Just shows me the kinda guy you are...I had hoped I was mistaken, but I wasn't.

    I don't want your sympathy...but some empathy for others might be nice..lol certainly not expected but appreciated.

    Thank you for showing me the door...I won't let it hit me on the way out.

  • logansrun

    Xena, Xena,

    Boo-hoo, let me play my violin.

    Just shows me the kinda guy you are...I had hoped I was mistaken, but I wasn't.

    I don't want your sympathy...but some empathy for others might be nice..lol certainly not expected but appreciated.

    Thank you for showing me the door...I won't let it hit me on the way out.

    Even if I was the type of guy you think I am, that isn't very good enough reason for you to leave -- nor do I want you to.


  • logansrun


    Regarding some of the issues that you expressed, there are some JW's that obviously do believe it would be wrong to get a massage from someone of the opposite sex. There are some that think the internet is evil. I know many JW's that believe consulting "worldly" authorities or sources i ill-advised. These examples are not demonizing the Watchtower. [Italics mine]

    But, these examples are usually phrased in such a way as to demonize the WT by making it appear as if it were the policy of the JWs. I'll have more to say about this in an upcoming thread.


  • Xena

    Well all I have to go on is what I see here...and to be honest it isn't real impressive...

    but you know what at least you have made me see I am pretty much wasting my time here...I have gotten what I need from here and hopefully helped a few people myself..and made some wonderful friends. But, I really don't see much need to stay once it gets to the point where it makes me feel more bad than good to be here.

    I have my cyber buds that I will always stay in touch with...but beyond that...like most people I need to move on..

    I was going to go back and delete that line though...not much into the I am leaving thing...but to late now

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