So, for all you fans of big fat books (like, say, Harry Potter) ...

by dedalus 61 Replies latest social entertainment

  • dedalus

    Who among you is reading East of Eden, Oprah's book club selection? (Because, of course, reading is no fun unless there's a huge corporate media conglomerate backing you up ...)

    Is it just me, or do any of you think it's strange, almost disturbing, to see a bunch of people, almost entirely pre-or-post menopausal women, waving this book over their heads, screaming with the same sort of unbridled glee exhibited on, say, a drabby-housewife-makeover episode?

    How do you culturally process this?


  • SixofNine
    How do you culturally process this?

    Until now, I had managed to avoid it entirely. Thank you so much Dedalus, lol.

    Six~ Unbridled glee club chairman

  • dedalus

    This article from the Kansas City Star website gets at some of the reasons this Oprah/Steinbeck thing bothers me.

    Oprah book club tries to sell Steinbeck
    Chicago Tribune

    Oprah Winfrey's book club phenomenon, shelved a year ago shortly after a flap with less-than-grateful author Jonathan Franzen, is back.

    (News tip: So is a line of book-club merchandise, emblazoned with the club logo.)

    Oprah once again promises to become our nation's Reader Laureate, this time leading us through literary classics of her choosing by authors such as William Faulkner and Ernest Hemingway.

    First on her list is John Steinbeck's East of Eden, a professed favorite.

    "It's the perfect book for the summer," Big O gushed. It's like a movie, she said. It's got everything. Love. Betrayal. Sex.


    So what could be wrong with this? Thousands of readers will come to know a good book they might otherwise not have read. And, of course, East of Eden, a best seller in its day, will come out of the experience no worse for wear.

    Maybe nothing is wrong with this. Maybe taking shots at Oprah for "inviting" Steinbeck to her talk show will, in the end, be exposed as just grumpy elitism.

    Or maybe something about East of Eden, repackaged in an eye-catching Oprah Edition for the occasion, is in danger of being quietly lost in what could transpire in coming shows.

    Gerald Graff, a non-elitist and a professor of English and education at the University of Illinois at Chicago, takes on topics such as literature in popular culture in a new book, Clueless in Academe: How Schooling Obscures the Life of the Mind (304 pages; Yale University Press; $29.95).

    He says he's in favor of Oprah's decision to revive the club:. "Making a classic book available to a wide audience should not be seen as dumbing it down. It's called teaching," Graff says.

    On the other hand, intelligent writing such as Steinbeck's ought to be approached intelligently, he says. He gets worried when he sees his own college students read a book, then get stumped when trying to discuss what questions the book raises or when trying to identify cultural debates within the story.

    "We need sharper discussions about books," he says. And the level of discourse he sees on Oprah's show at times "could be a lot sharper." Oprah tends to focus on the personal feelings she derives from fiction, he says, and to treat "books as emotional vacations."

    Good point.

    "It's a page turner," Oprah proclaimed to a studio audience whipped into a frenzy by gift bags of free stuff.

    "John Steinbeck, wherever he is in the spirit world, is very happy today," she proclaimed, showing us a previously undemonstrated talent to channel the spirit of the departed author. Apparently a spirit interested in book sales.

    If Steinbeck picked that moment to shift in his grave, he'd have missed the her segue into what came next: Look at all the aforementioned book-club merchandise for sale on her Web site.

    Caps. Bucket hats. T-shirts. Tote bags.

    From there, the East of Eden discussion was mostly about tote bags.

    Come on, now. I know some of you out there are Oprahites. Dedalus

  • SheilaM

    Loved East of Eden forever

  • safe4kids

    Um, I'm confused (which I'll confess is a pretty normal state of mind for me these days! LOL) but Dedalus, you said:

    almost entirely pre-or-post menopausal women

    Don't most women fall into that category? Heheheh

    sorry for the interruption, please continue with your regularly scheduled thread


  • primitivegenius

    havent read it....... not enough gunfire or swordweilding

  • waiting

    I've read East of Eden before, but it's been awhile.

    I've also read some other books with her club ensignia on it. Most are good.....if not a little/lot dark. None I've read could ever be classed as romance novels, not even humorous.

    "Backroads" was a good book. Take a read, Dedalus? Perhaps we can discuss the murder, incest, rape, etc., of the children/adults of the family deeply enough to satisfy you?

    waiting - part of the "pre or post menapausal group of women."

  • dedalus

    LOL @ Safe4kids. Good one!

    Of course, what I meant was women who are at about that age, mid-to-late forty-somethings, I guess. But I pussy-footed around it too much (setting you up for another zinger here).


  • Mulan

    The only one of Oprah's book club books I read last time was The Poisonwood Bible. I really enjoyed it, but read it after they all did.

    A friend loaned me another one, but I just couldn't get past the first few pages. Too sad!!!!!! It started something like this "I remember that summer because my sister had my father's baby" extremely dirt poor family in the South. Too much for me.

    I am currently reading The Mists of Avalon. Very thick, nearly 900 pages. Great book...............really good, and lots of things to think about regarding paganism and Catholicism. I saw the TV version of it too, and so far they stayed very close to the book.

    part of the "pre or post menapausal group of women." (me too)

  • safe4kids

    LOL Dedalus,

    No zingers here, k? I haven't read the book and don't keep up with Oprah's book club, altho a few years ago she had a couple of books on the list that were really good, written by a woman who grew up in Florida (all I can remember about the title was it had something to do with wings). At any rate, I'll bow to the wisdom of Waiting and Mulan, both of whom I've met in person and hold a high opinion of. Speaking of ARE you ladies doing? Hope all is well with you both and I look forward to seeing you again some day

    Dana. of the 'ain't quite there yet' class

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