Subliminal Messaging

by truthlover123 62 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • days of future passed
  • days of future passed
    days of future passed

    I had posted this before but it didn't take i guess. It's not an earth shattering image but it does show that the artist has purposely inserted/invented a little image onto the background.

  • fulano

    The piece of wood, tree that the woman is touching looks like an animal's head, the hole is the mouth and above you see two eyes when you enlarge the picture.

    There is always something weirds with the JW pictures. You always recognize them. Or am I the only one?

  • fulano

    Day of f...

    Definitly a scary face.

  • skin
    Finkelstein 2 days ago
    Put a Link up Skin so we can evaluate it.

    Here is the image that appears in this months (June 2019) CLAM, what looks to be some kind of skeleton hand with fingers over the left shoulder of the girl with the orange head band. Or am I missing the obvious?

  • days of future passed
    days of future passed

    Skin - The resolution is too bad to try to do anything to this picture. Is the original on JW org?

  • fulano

    Skin, as clear as can be.

    jesus, what's the matter with these people and why didn't I see it when I was in?

  • btlc

    Now something from different category, article "Autos, past and present", Awake! 08.01.2003

    and familiar face beyond luxury Cadillac

    Must admit two things:
    1) WT leaders have a good taste when is about to spend contributions money
    2) WT know how to make "the Big Brother is watching you" subliminal effect

  • fulano


    when you enlarge the picture you even see a scary face in the girls neck. I showed it to my wife, a never JW and she was shocked seeing it.

  • skin

    days of future passed 12 hours ago

    Skin - The resolution is too bad to try to do anything to this picture. Is the original on JW org?

    I couldn't find it on, not to say its not there, can you access the CLAM from Its a very small image that is in the June 2019 CLAM. This image was very clear when displayed on the KH big screen during the meeting last week.

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