Would you go to an apostofest?

by JH 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • Prisca

    As both an organiser and an attendee of apostafests, I would definitely recommend them!!!

    It's a great way to meet people who have gone through similar experiences, and is often a source of compassion and support. I've made lasting friendships with those I've met.

    Apostafests are generally held at a person's home, or somewhere public like a park for a picnic, or a restaurant somewhere. Whilst orgies and drug-taking are not generally part of the scene, they are not sedate affairs either, especially once everyone relaxes, and the conversation and laughs just flow.

    If there are any lurkers in the Melbourne area who would like to meet other ex-jws, just send me a PM and I can try to arrange something.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    a 5 hour drive is do-able

    but I don't drink

    I'm allergic to smoke

    and I hate orgies

    Other than that I give great hugs and can talk a lot or sit quietly in the corner and take it all in

    man I don't sound very fun now do I lol

  • Prisca

    LOL with Lady Lee

    You'd fit into our Aussie apostafests ok. Yes, there is alcohol served, but there's always plenty of soft drinks (sodas in Americanese) for those that choose not to drink. Very few attendees to the apostafests smoked, and they did so away from the main crowd. Most "apostates" that I've met don't smoke anyway.

    As for the orgies... what happens in the motel room afterwards is none of our business

  • heathen

    Yes I went to one at valis place last year . YOu gotta watch that guy , he's a hugger . That was the first time I met up with people I met on the web in my life and no I didn't know what to expect but I did have a good time so cheers to anyone planning one.

  • Oxnard Hamster
    Oxnard Hamster

    I'd like to go to one. I live in Kansas. Anybody close by organising one?

  • JH

    People who go to apostofests should have a T-shirt with their avatar on it, so that you could match the person and avatar.

  • Country_Woman

    If nearby ? yes, definitely.

    I wish you all all the fun you can get.

  • SheilaM
    a 5 hour drive is do-able

    but I don't drink

    I'm allergic to smoke

    and I hate orgies

    I don't really drink and too am allergic to smoke but gonna tylenol it up and use my allergy med and if all else fails I'll stick my head out a window.

    Orgies SURE Me n Thunder Thunder N me Woooo HOOO

  • Valis
    but I don't drink

    I'm allergic to smoke

    and I hate orgies

    Someone have too much fun for their own good perhaps? *LOL*

    I can tell you that no matter where I have gone the Apostates have opened their homes to me, fed me, got me drunk, saved me from disaster, partied my ass off, chauffered me around,...I could go on...eheh.... ahem....There is nothing that warms my heart more than to see a group large or small gathering and having fun. It really boils down to remembering our common denominator, which one hopes changes as time goes by, from being XJWs to plain old friends....Friends that can set it all down for a second and just have a good time together...Leave the spiritual armor at the door and pick up your smile and a cold one....viola'!

    *LOL* heathen, you have been sorely missed man...would be good to see you sometime soon.


    District Overbeer

  • LyinEyes

    Very well said Val.

    Last nite we had the pleasure of showing Moreisbetter, Searcher, Jesika, and PRCapone around our town and favorite nite club.

    We went to the casinos, lost some quarters, won some quarters, we played pool, we danced, we ate, we laughed alot , we hugged alot, and we even sang on stage. We did get pictures and I hope to have them posted later in the week.

    There is just no feeling like getting to know the people you talk to online , face to face. You just feel closer to them, and there is so much emotion and love in their eyes. I hated to leave today, but we were not able to stay ,,,,,,,, as we speak , they are on a riverboat floating up and down the Red River , taking in some sights. I just got off the phone with them and they understand why we had to leave,,,,,,long story......but we really wanted to stay a bit longer with them.

    It is hard to leave when you have to when you get together.

    I hope we can make the BBQ in Dallas,,,,,,,I would love to spend more time with them and met up with the others .

    If there is an Apostofest you can go to close by your home state, it is well worth the drive to make it. I know it is hard to go very far for alot of us because of kids, jobs and other obligations.

    That is what WildTurkey and Valis were talking about today,,,,,,,,,, some of us that are not that far away should really get together more often........the bonding you have with fellow exjw's is amazing, and so fullfilling.

    Love you all, and hope to meet you all ............hugsssssssss Dede

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