Would you go to an apostofest?

by JH 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • obiwan

    Been there, done that, woo hoo!

  • Carmel

    To think I lost thirty pounds this last year so I could undress at Princess's party like everyone else, and now they're changing the rules? Darn, have to go to Tex's bash for the skinny dippin!


  • heathen

    Valis ----- It's nice to know I've been missed but been having to deal with some serious private matters .I would love to make another afest sometime . That last one sounded like it was a blast.

  • pr_capone

    AsLyineyes said earlier.... we are in the middle of a mini apostafest at this very moment! Searcher came all the way from England so I decided that if he could fly for 16+ hours, I surely could drive 6 to see him. *lol*

    I have attended 1 full out apostofest here in Dallas and I must say that I have made life long friends. Much like Valis said earlier.... they have fed me, got me drunk and at times kept me from making a complete ass of myself. I keep in constant communication with Jesika (though 50% of the people here do too *lol*) adn we have become wonderful friends. I know that she would do anything in her power to help me out and I for her as well.

    At the moment I type this from Valis's computer. I just finished eating a wonderful meal he has provided for me and am enjoying the comforts of his house. Earlier today I went over to Big Tex's and Cruzin's place. I was expecting to walk in, say hello and have a nice chat, and then be on our way. She cooked us a full meal and opened up their home to us.

    I have made WONDERFUL friends from these Apostofests and would honestly tell anyone who is thinking about going to one to make it happen. The people that you meet and the friends that you will make will last you a lifetime.

    Again, I cannot express enough how enjoyable meeting people who have been through the same things I have is. How we just get together and know where eachother are comming from. I am glad I signed up to this forum and recieved the opportunity to meet these people. You all will be in my heart forever.

    Especially you my sweet bitch..... you know who you are. *lol*

    Kansas District Overbeer

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