local, strange jw thinking

by lancelink 21 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    When a grown man came to me as an elder with tears in his eye because he lied to his boss when asked if his break was over. He said "no" when he was over by 5 minutes. He asked if Jehoobie would forgive him. I knew it was a crutch for weak minded individuals then.

  • neat blue dog
    neat blue dog
    I love that 1968 quote. They cant even read their own comments?

    No they can't in many cases, because pre-1970 Awake's aren't on the online library.

  • Ding

    "I love that 1968 quote. They can't even read their own comments?"

    They never apply their own comments to themselves.

    It's like when they say, "No one should be forced to choose between his religion and his family."

    They really don't see the hypocrisy and the double standards.

  • OnTheWayOut

    I remember about 15 years ago, a bunch of JW's who would proclaim that there is "NO WAY THIS SYSTEM LASTS 15 MORE YEARS!" I am pretty sure today they are saying "NO WAY THIS SYSTEM LASTS 15 MORE YEARS!"

    And you know what any of them alive 15 years from now will be saying.

  • Finkelstein

    Does anyone else have a situation where you realized that your local group of JW's had some unreal thinking ?

    How about the doctrine of 1914, for some strange reason only the Watchtower Publishing Corporation has and made that doctrine out 100's of Christian based faiths, some quite larger in members. ???

  • sir82

    Does anyone else have a situation where you realized that your local group of jw's had some unreal thinking ?

    How about comments like this:

    "How good that [popular actor / musician / celebrity] has died! Now he'll be resurrected and get to enjoy paradise!"

    Which of course highlights [logical absurdity number 12,458] of JW doctrine: If JW teachings were true, people would be better off dying now rather than continuing to live and risking eternal destruction at Armageddon because they rejected a mumbled 30 second magazine presentation by a bored teenager. People would be better off, in the long run, if JWs committed mass murder rather than trying to preach.

  • eyeuse2badub

    The really STRANGE thing is that all of us once believed this sh*t!

    just saying!

  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara
    Something that always stood out to me, was an old semi-lighthearted practice amongst some JWs of bagging favourite pieces of real estate, for post-Armageddon occupation...whilst on the ministry.

    i experienced this in two different countries, opposite sides of the globe.When in any foreign language ministry I heard this by many others trying to "tag it", real big massive houses on posh streets.

    How very non-materialistic and having a simple eye!!........Not!


  • ZindagiNaMilegiDobaara

    An elders/big boss of the cong/biggest scheming politician about's sons always use to make statements like "I will get to paradise despite whatever I do coz My dad is the elder.Not the likes of you coz you are nothing".Believe me he did get into a lot of bad things in his youth and "Daddy dear" always protected him in mnay ways. Nonetheless the whole congregation knew he was a dirty dish rag!


  • Crazyguy2

    Great post Ding!!!

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