Why dont you leave....?

by anotheropenviewpoint 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • Jourles
    WHY DONT YOU LEAVE? the congregation if you hate it so bad... and this question only applies to those who are doubting, hating, yet still attending.

    Define "hate." Are you referring to the people, the organization in general, or the doctrines? I have a little hate towards the decision makers in the org at the upper levels. I hate most of the doctrines, but what can I do about them? I do not hate the people in the org. I know of the mental trap which they are under. I used to have the same mindset. But in the end, at least for myself, family is the only thing keeping me in. I also feel that sometimes I can help make a difference by openly questioning doctrines in front of other witnesses. Running dirtclod.com while injecting absolutely no commentary on doctrines may help some witnesses look at items which they may never have looked at before on some apostate sites. I get a couple thousand unique hits to the site each month which is growing every month. I cannot imagine that only ex-jw's make up that traffic. I am unaware of any other "witness" ran website that hits the WTS hard.

    Just so you know, I am inactive but still attend the meetings.

  • xjw_b12
    and Im finding myself returning...

    Sorry viewpoint.....reminds me of the dog to vomit verse...............

    You're not making a lot of sense here..........unless you've been praying for a sign to convince you to return. I doubt you'll find it here.

    I suggest you put those "warmy, touchy" feelings about divine providence away and give your head a shake, before someone slaps you alongside the head.

    family... NO... my family disregarded me when I was DF'ed, they have nothing to do with my possible return.

    If that is how you feel about your family, and they feel about you, you deserve each other. Wake up buddy. You'll find a lot more true love next door, or down the street, or across the world, then you will find in the cong.

    xjw_b12 " I just want to know the truth, because I've been lied to all my life "

  • anotheropenviewpoint

    Oh, pr's post, merit all the way.

    But is association with family and friends, the world that you know, really the only reason that you stay in?

    There have to be other reasons out there, I fail to believe out of all the members on this board, this is the only answer we can come up with.

    Do I look forward to my family's relationship when and if I return fully... no... if they want me they can call me anytime... if they dont till Im reinstated, I will disown them for being hypocrites on that matter. But that gripe I hold with my parents only, not with the organization. Heck, my parents didnt even attend my own wedding, thier first born. I was married at a non-denominational non-churchafilliated wedding hall, with a non-denominational chirtian minister, with an unbiased sermon... no one from my side of the family attended but my mom's half drunk sister. LOL. and I love her for it.

    So do I look forward to that... F*** no. They have some serious ass kissin to do.

    Again, they ARE NOT my reasons in any which way or form.... and when and if I return... shouldnt that be the way I return anyways... for myself and not for anyone else?

  • Aztec

    Jourles, keep up the good work! You didn't even link to your own website...



  • anotheropenviewpoint


    Well see... Im not quite certain why you are posting this here... cause that issue had to do with THE OTHER thread. But Ill go ahead and answer it here if you so desire even though I thought I had already addressed it. But here it goes

    I believe that each of us will believe what WE believe IS the only way, or some variation there of. Do I feel that JW is the only way... who am I to say? its not my place, only gods, at his appointed time, and I feel that all should make a true valiant attempt to find him and follow him... never being satisfied with our findings and always testing our faith as the bible so lovingly describes.

    What part does doctrine play in your new-found purpose in life?

    Doctrine... no... but what I do know is that I have searched and am continuing to search, constantly. At this current moment in time, here I am, and who knows what tommorow will bring.

    What I ask are real questions.... and I plan to do so as I continue my membership on this board. Look, already, my first two post, were on the Active Topics list with Flames at the same time.

    Yes, I will stir the pot, I will make things rise,... Ive only just begun.

    I refuse to sit here and loligag around about "what was your highest position" or other rants .... real questions for real thinkers.

    Oh my! is this an apostate board? wow... to my recolection the top left logo say 'everyone welcome',... hell, Im DF'ed...

  • BeautifulGarbage
    . But that gripe I hold with my parents only, not with the organization. Heck, my parents didnt even attend my own wedding, thier first born. I was married at a non-denominational non-churchafilliated wedding hall, with a non-denominational chirtian minister, with an unbiased sermon... no one from my side of the family attended but my mom's half drunk sister. LOL. and I love her for it.

    Please stand by for public service announcement:

    And I rarely do this.

    Troll alert, people. Don't waste your time, folks.

    But, I must say....Bravo. Nice try, sucka!


  • hillary_step

    Hello Squire,

    Well see... Im not quite certain why you are posting this here... cause that issue had to do with THE OTHER thread. But Ill go ahead and answer it here if you so desire even though I thought I had already addressed it. But here it goes

    Quite simply, because I took the time to answer your question on the other thread and you did not take the time to attend to the issues that I raised regarding your question. Not a difficult scenario to understand, I would have thought.

    But Ill go ahead and answer it here if you so desire even though I thought I had already addressed it.

    Well, perhaps you did, if so it was not very well addressed. You muttered some sort of theological nihilism which skirted the issue. Me like plain talk!

    Yes, I will stir the pot, I will make things rise,... Ive only just begun.

    I love song, but the title is, ‘We’ve only just begun"….lol

    I refuse to sit here and loligag around about "what was your highest position" or other rants .... real questions for real thinkers.

    Well, I sympathize with you here, a good debate about serious topics would certainly be welcome. When are you going to start? I presume you view yourself as a "real" thinker....lol You talk loud, I will give you that, but that is no substitute for critical thinking skills.

    Doctrine... no... but what I do know is that I have searched and am continuing to search, constantly. At this current moment in time, here I am, and who knows what tommorow will bring.

    I salute your station in life, you will find many others at an equal state of spirit here to converse with. They call us apostates…lol

    Good luck in your search - HS

  • breal

    I can’t relate to this scenario as I was DF’d after leaving….but I think it may be similar to having a job that one gripes about all the time but sticks with for a variety of reasons…. (the grass is not always greener, family, friends, life in general, money etc) People tend to stick with what they know until they find the motivation or full reason or ability to change things. Sometimes circumstance prevents people from acting on certain decisions until a later date (ie: spouse, kids, school, work). The JW religion is simply this sort of scenario but on a much higher level. Being a JW affects every aspect of a JW’s life. I don’t believe that it is always that easy to pinpoint any ONE reason why someone stays, goes or slowly fades at there own pace. Deciding to leave may be an easy decision for some but for others it is more a journey and it can take time. Who are we to judge?

  • freein89


    your opening to this thread was nasty. you tried to back people against the wall and basically called them hypocrites for not leaving. Well, if you are so farking insightful why were you disfellowshipped? Why would you not disassociate yourself, were you too big of a coward or did you not see the light until they kicked you out. I have wondered why people stay, I ASSUMED they had their reasons, and sure enough they do, read threads and posts its all there, every heartbreaking bit of it. So now YOU answer the question, WHY DID YOU WAIT TO BE KICKED OUT? When I DA'd I just did it, but when I read from the people who are being careful, biding their time, laying their plans I wish I had done the same. I stand by my decision and yet I still wonder if I could have made it easier on myself and others. Do you sense confusion here-well there is. But you came on too strong, your "question" sounded more like an accusation and it sounded hateful.


  • Dansk

    Hey, Hillary, have you been spending time with OUTLAW (where is he?) as you do a lot of "LOLs" in your posts?!


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