Why dont you leave....?

by anotheropenviewpoint 90 Replies latest jw friends

  • little witch
    little witch


    Please don't be so full of yourself. All ''newbies'' get lot's of replies. I can tell you know your way around this particular board already, which I personally find suspicious.

    For instance, you have had no problem using quote highlighting, etc.

    Now I am off to the membership directory, to find out who you really are. You use certain grammar clues, so it should make itself obvious.

  • anotheropenviewpoint

    Breal - Awesome, well said... I wonder if many others analyze thier own scenarios like that as well?

    Freein -

    your opening to this thread was nasty. you tried to back people against the wall and basically called them hypocrites for not leaving. Well, if you are so farking insightful why were you disfellowshipped?

    Not nasty, simply a blunt questions. And also answer me this, is not someone who says one thing, yet does another a hypocrite... if it comes off that way then sure. I had mentioned in a previous thread, I was DF'ed at a young age for 'sex before marriage'... and rightfully so that I was DF'ed, I was not repentant, I look back now and I know that. But what it made me do was give me the opprotunity to step back analyze, search, and I continue to do so. Trust me, I do not claim to but utmost or holy by anymeans.

    Little witch -

    For instance, you have had no problem using quote highlighting, etc

    I am an IT professional by career, so using internet tools available to me are second nature, I direct projects and build such systems as this one. Again, do not judge when you do not know. "Certain grammar clues" mmm, ok... I usually type as I speak...

    Hilary - Just wanted to say no hard feelings here, I enjoy the debate. But you did ask me when I am going to start. Has not my first two post already cause riviting debate?

  • Cassiline
    Hey, Hillary, have you been spending time with OUTLAW (where is he?) as you do a lot of "LOLs" in your posts?!


    Hey Dansk That was funny, I've been concerned over the same ( where outlaw is). OUTLAW if you can read this, come and let yourself be known!! I hope all is well. Love Cassi

  • undercover

    I have walked away, more or less. I go to the occasional meeting and will probably end up going to the DC. I choose not to DA myself, because I refuse to play by their rules anymore. By playing by their rules, I lose what friends, acquaintances and family that I have in the org. By not playing by their rules, I keep my family. My family may not grasp why I have "fallen away", but outside of religious discussions our family ties are strong. By not playing by the WTS rules, I can remain friendly with others in the cong. and not have to feel the shunning or put them on the spot when they see me. I don't believe in their rules anymore, so subject myself to them?

  • wannaexit

    Jesus said to count the cost. I believe that the leaving process takes time.

    I do intend to leave. My husband would like to leave with a bang and I would like to do the slow fade.

    Why do we stay? Because of family and friends. We have been pillars in the congregation for so long that they would be devastated.

    So are we being cowards? Maybe , but in the meantime we are preparing the way so that the blow will not be so hard.

    Right now we are slowly introducing what we know to our families in a non confrontational way. We hope that they too can discern what this organization really is. Already we can see changes in their attitudes towards certain aspects of the jw dogmas.

    Its not a nice situation to be in. I feel very trapped and frustrated.

    I am very happy that most of you have been able to make a clean break from watchtowerland. I will eventually cut ties with them too and I will not look back. In the meantime I will look to this board for comfort, support and enlightment.

    Wannaexit (real soon)

  • anotheropenviewpoint

    So it seems to some that a slow exit is better for them, and all should respect that.

    But we are still talking about association here. Do you not feel as though you are in an indirect way lying to your close family and friends by continuing to put on a front and not stating your feelings? You may not want to hurt them... but will it hurt them more if they feel betrayed, or lied to for a length of time? Do you feel that your friends and family will respect you for being open with your feelings if they truely are your friends?

    Again, these are questions, and not statements, I hope that no one takes offense by these.... but are they not questions that need to be asked?

    Again, I feel that we should all respect anothers view point why they feel what they feel and why they do what they do.

  • amac

    Because of family and friends. You'll be hard pressed to find any other reasons, and if you do, they will be a very small minority of those who still attend meetings.

    If you feel soooo strongly that this is "wrong" are you too chicken to state your opinion to a family member?

    It has nothing to do with being chicken, hypocritical or not being "true to oneself." It has to do with understanding that my family and friends (except for a select few who I HAVE shared my thoughts with) would not respect or understand the way I think. So rather than burden them with the sadness of my perceived "spiritual death" and eventual loss of everlasting life, I appease them with occasional meeting attendance. They are good enough family and friends to afford this sacrifice.

    Sorry, but that did not take any "real" thinking...

  • hillary_step
    Hey, Hillary, have you been spending time with OUTLAW (where is he?) as you do a lot of "LOLs" in your posts?!


    Outlaw is definately missing in action. I have not been able to make contact with him.


  • amac
    Do you feel that your friends and family will respect you for being open with your feelings if they truely are your friends?

    Absolutely not, besides a select few. I've tested the waters on this and initial reactions have been extreme.

    Again, I feel that we should all respect anothers view point why they feel what they feel and why they do what they do.

    Then you will not make a very good JW.

  • jgnat
    Do you feel that your friends and family will respect you for being open with your feelings if they truely are your friends?

    Who in the society, loyal or not, are completely open about their feelings and doubts? In study materials the WTS provides ready-made answers to all questions, including how the faithful should feel about their obligations. It is my experience that most Jehovah's Witnesses hold to the US Army's motto, "Don't ask me no questions I tell you no lies." Sometimes it is a kindness to stay silent and not rock their boat. When they are ready, they can ask of their own accord.

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