Are there any real reasons to go on living?

by Robdar 78 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • Aztec

    I got an answering machine service!

    What's up with that?


  • nowisee

    dear robyn,

    i am so sorry that you are depressed. i truly know how you are feeling as i have been in that same space on more than one occasion in the past. in the final analysis i did not do myself in because i realized that there were others here on this planet who loved me and who would be devastated if i were gone. it truly hit home when a sibling did commit suicide and i saw what it did to my family.

    don't ever entertain those thoughts -- they are so selfish. and truly, whatever bad time you might be going through WILL pass. things WILL get better.

    if this truly is a lingering depression then you must seek medical help as there is no reason for you to continue to feel this way when help is availble. please promise me that you will come back here and talk to us anytime you feel low.

    robyn, i have seen you reach out to others over and over again on this forum --. you have such a gentle and caring spirit. i'm sure you have helped more than you can imagine. you are loved.

    best wishes, nowisee

  • myself


    What is the point to living when all is insanity?

    I love the totally insane, I just tolerate the sane.

    HS is right, we live through moments, and your life does count. When you have lost someone thru death, don't you have moments when an event happens whether it is personal or a media event that you think that you wish that they were here to share it with you. Don't deny those moment to those who love you.

  • bigboi

    Awww c'mon Robyn! You are too cool to die. It's not your time. So what if life sucks, it always does, for everybody. That's just the way life is. What's important to realize is that as much as life may suck, YOU don't!

  • angelkins

    Dear Robdar,

    I hope you can cheer up. You don't know me, but I have enjoyed you posts. (And politics!!) I love outrageous people and I think you are one. Hang in. I'd be happy to lend you an ear.


    P.S. Farting in the bathtub is another possible reason.

  • Trauma_Hound

    Robyn, when your feeling blue, just sing this song to yourself.

    Composer: Eric Idle
    Author: Eric Idle

    Arranger: John Altman
    Lead Singer: Eric Idle
    From the Movie 'Life of Brian'

    Some things in life are bad,

    They can really make you mad,
    Other things just make you swear and curse,
    When you're chewing your life's gristle
    Don't grumble, give a whistle,
    And this'll help things turn out for the best,
    Always look on the bright side of life.
    Always look on the light side of life.
    If life seems jolly rotten,
    There's something you've forgotten,
    And that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing.
    When you're feeling in the dumps,
    Don't be silly chumps.
    Just purse your lips and whistle. That's the thing.
    Always look on the bright side of life.
    Always look on the right side of life,
    For life is quite absurd
    And death's the final word.
    You must always face the curtain with a bow.
    Forget about your sin.
    Give the audience a grin.
    Enjoy it. It's your last chance, anyhow.
    Always look on the bright side of death,
    Just before you draw your terminal breath.
    Life's a piece of shit,
    When you look at it.
    Life's a laugh and death's a joke. It's true.
    You'll see it's all a show.
    Keep 'em laughing as you go.
    Just remember that the last laugh is on you.
    Always look on the bright side of life.
    Always look on the right side of life.
    Always look on the bright side of life!
    Always look on the bright side of life!
    Always look on the bright side of life!
    Always look on the bright side of life!
    Always look on the bright side of life!
    Always look on the bright side of life!
    Always look on the bright side of life!
    Always look on the bright side of life!
  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Reasons to stick around?

    Because no matter how bad things seem now there are solutions/changes that can be made even when you think they aren't there

    Because you have no way of knowing what tomorrow will bring

    Because the gift you are to yourself is too special to waste.

    Because even though there are some people in life who don't know you/ appreciate you/ love you/ care about you there are others who do

    Because even though there are some people in life who don't know you/ appreciate you/ love you/ care about you is no reason to believe they are right

    Robyn I was soooo very close to it myself at one point. If you or anyone had said my life would be what it is now I would not have believed them. All I expect was to not be in pain anymore. That is all I thought I was capable of. I had no belief in myself and could not envision a future

    But I am glad I stuck around

    For my children

    But mostly for me

    I would have missed out on so much.

    • School and success
    • an end to the abuse and pain
    • learning to feel good about myself
    • a man who loves me
    • my grand-daughter
    • and the real honor of helping others in my work and elsewhere

    To be able to take my past and turn it into something good means so much to me. All that pain was not useless. I would have prefered not to go through it but I did. Ending my life would have wasted all the suffering for nothing. Everybody I knew hurt me. Some wished I had never been born and others wished me dead.

    But I could not let them win. And I couldn't let them take away one more day of my life and turn it into misery.

    I made a choice to live. I often say I wanted to die but I didn't want to be dead. Not sure if it makes sense but I think I just needed the pain to go away.

    There are other ways to make it go away.

    And for me since the pain was inflicted by others I felt helpless to change it by myself. I expected someone else to change it

    Well if I could change it by dying then I could change it by living too.

    Yes it was hard work but it was worth it - worth every single tear and every single struggle.

    We are not helpless to change our lives or ourselves.

    We stuggle with such immense pain through out our lives. That takes strength. And when you channel that strength towards change you cannot image what you will be capable of doing.

    I look back at working and therapy and school and raising 2 teens and wonder how I did it. But in reality doing it was easier than living with the pain.

    The pain can be an old friend but my experience was most of those I trusted wanted me dead - some friends. We can all do without friends like that.

    Somewhere deep inside me was a part that wanted something better. I bet you have that part too. Use your strength to find her and help her reach out for a better life.

    It is worth it

  • notperfectyet

    Is there anyone on this board who knows Robdar personally? where she lives ? who can check on her?

    If she isn't answering her phone, I am sure she isn't reading posts.

  • blackout

    Robyn, Honey, I've been there too, in that black pit of despair, when you just say F##K it all.

    The thing is even though it feels SO real and SO true, it is in fact because your brain is not producing enough of an important chemical called seratonin, which is what allows your brain synapses (electricity) to jump across properly from one brain neuron to another (which is necessary for normal emotions).

    This low seratonin can be caused either by your brain not producing enough or by little vacuum cleaners in your brain uptaking too much seratonin. It can be caused by something bad happening to you which sets of this reaction (ie Post Traumatic Stress) or can be caused genetically (which is what I have) where your brain is low in seratonin just like a diabetic is low in insulin.

    I have to take a drug called a seratonin re-uptake inhibitor to stop my vaccuum cleaner doing such a good job (I wish it would do that good a job on my house as it hardly ever gets vaccuumed!) As long as I take these pills my seratonin levels stay great and Im a happy chappy with normal moods, if I stop taking them, over a period of 6mths I progressively get more and more depressed until I feel like you do right now. It sucks big time!

    Please go to a Dr if you are feeling suicidal, they wont lock you up like some people seem to think, they will help you get better like they did with me. Now I find things I can enjoy again, before there was nothing I enjoyed, I felt nothing, numb, life was nothing to me and I cried a hell of a lot. Now I laugh a hell of a lot, have fun and see the good in life.

    Sorry this is so long, but I am worried about you girl. I know where you are 'cause I've been there. PM me if you like.

  • Introspection

    I'm not going to provide any reasons just because it involves trying to appeal to your mind in some way, and I don't know you well enough to do that with any accuracy anyways - and secondly because I don't believe a reason is needed to live anyway, it would be dishonest for me to appeal to your mind when I don't really think that way. Things in life require a reason just like it is the things in life that suck, but life itself is something else. It's a question of content for most people.

    Having said that, I can only tell you what may be of interest, I don't think it is a reason for anything, but it may be an interesting way to experience. First of all, I was depressed for years. I'm not depressed anymore, but that doesn't mean I don't feel 'negative' emotions - in fact I would say that's one thing that indicates I am not depressed, I'm not numb. Instead of trying to cling to the 'positive' and avoid the 'negative' I kind of decided to let it all in, and there's a certain richness in that. Just in the last few days I was noticing there's a bittersweet quality about how I experience things in life, sort of like seeing both sides I suppose. As far as I'm concerned life is not supposed to be all joy and bliss, and people who only wants to see that will not see the very real sadness and tragedy that befalls them and those who may be close to them, (not in any good way - after all it still happens to them, they're just unconscious) and in my book that's the kind of bliss that comes from ignorance. I for one am glad I can feel as much of the sadness and relate to other people who may feel the same way, if I didn't then I wouldn't be living - it would be some kind of joyful undead in a sense, not unlike certain groups of religious fanatics. All I can tell you about this is even though I have the so called negative emotions still, it is just not causing any suffering. I can tell you that it doesn't stay long, but more accurately it's that it does not stick. So this is a different approach to be sure, I'm not into conditioning myself with happy thoughts and feelings. It's normal to feel sad and loss in life, it's as much a part of life as the joyful feelings. I mean hey - if someone close to you died then it is certainly expected for you to mourn the loss, it's a natural reaction.

    I imagine this wouldn't sound appealing to many people, but I do know people like to have someone listen to them when they're down. All I can tell you is from here, those feelings are not a problem, so the problem of depression is essentially non-existent.

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