Are there any real reasons to go on living?

by Robdar 78 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • teejay
  • Aztec

    Hey Robyn, not having a great day?

    Here's good reasons:

    Good friends

    Great wine

    Debating with Right-Wingers


    Driving 90 miles an hour with the windows down

    Loud rock music


    Hope you are feeling better!


  • freedom96

    My wife, my kids, my friends. Need I say more?

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge


    That's the problem. Why start looking? Man has been here who knows how long with the brightest men on the planet......who haven't got a clue what life on earth is about. The possibility that someone has it figured out is nill. All one can do is pick something they like the best and follow that........or face reality and realise man hasn't figured out life..................yet. This conclusion makes some feel they really have no purpose here.......they were simply a statistic.

    Well, I hate to use the glass half full/half emply analogy, but that might be yours and others experience - it's not everyones.

    I don't think anyone ever born will totally understand what life is all about, but we all have pieces to a large puzzle. Some have a few pieces and claim there is no picture. Others have a few more pieces and will say "I think there is a picture". Still others have many pieces, know there is indeed a picture but are still working on the details. I believe we won't have all the pieces until we cross over. And yes, I do believe we "cross over"... I already have those pieces that have shown me that part of the picture.

  • myself

    Because plain and simple: Life is good!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Everyone has days they are down, some have more then others. These bad days (even if they follow each other) do pass. If I am having a bad day, the next day usually brings something good. I am determined to have fun (as long as I am not hurting someone else in the process). I think about how short life really is in the scheme of things and I am not going to waste it feeling bad. I have hit rock bottom with depression and I will fight it, and remind myself that it is only temporary. Take each day one at a time. If you worry too much about what is yet to come and hit you upside your head you will never allow yourself to heal. Don't put too much concern about what others perceive in what or who you are, like love yourself first in order for others to love you and respect who you are, don't settle for anything less. Take the time to smile at others, you will brighten their days without realizing how much you are affecting them (I've been thanked for this) Your smile makes you feel better at the same time. Hang in there!!! You have affected me in positive ways you haven't even known about through your posts, for that I thank you.


  • WildHorses

    Five reasons I find to go on living.....

    Three of my reasons are named.......Steven, Manuel and Nicole

    the fourth reason is that I am nosey and want to know what tomorrow will bring.

    the fifth is that, no matter how bad things get, it always gets better if you just give it a little time.

  • nilfun

    someone has it figured out is nil

    Hey, that's so not true! I'm not even close to figuring it out...


    A while back I read a post by LyinEyes where she wrote something about a Chris Cross song Think of Laura, but she substituted her Mom's name, Lura (sp?).

    And you know what? Once, when I was feeling really down, that song began playing in my mind...but as Think of Lura



    I wonder... do we posters realize how much our presence here has affected others? ...we are all connected.

    There are so many great reasons to stick around that have been posted on this thread.

    Tomorrow, a beautiful sunrise is waiting... .

    You have affected me in positive ways you haven't even known about

    I'll ditto that.

    Hang in there, please.


  • czarofmischief

    Menage a trois [what's the plural of that?]...

    telling off your boss

    Writing nasty letters to the president


    farting in elevators

    farting while having a menage a trois in the White House elevator with your boss' wife and mother.... [hey, a man can dream...]

    Jenna Bush! Hubba hubba from dubya!

    Humor... beer... rock'n roll... pissing off religious fundamentalists...

    CALIGULA - the musical!


  • WildHorses

    Christopher Cross- Think Of Laura
    Every once in a while I'd see her smile And she'd turn my day around A girl with those eyes could stare through the lies And see what your heart was saying CHORUS: Think of Laura but laugh don't cry I know she'd want it that way When you think of Laura laugh don't cry I know she'd want it that way A friend of a friend, a friend till the end That's the kind of girl she was Taken away so young Taken away without a warning I know you and you're here In everyday we live I know her and she's here I can feel her when I sing Hey Laura, where are you now Are you far away from here I don't think so I think you're here Taking our tears away CHORUS
    Think of Laura but laugh don't cry I know she'd want it that way When you think of Laura laugh don't cry I know she'd want it that way 
  • gumby
    And yes, I do believe we "cross over"... I already have those pieces that have shown me that part of the picture.

    Mind if we have a peek too

    From what you have just described Double still stands what I have said............nobody has the answers to life......only guesses. That was my whole point to robyn. Many are not content to be left in the dark as to why and how we are here and so they ask the question she did.

    I don't mean to sound negative on your ideas........just stating how many feel....that's all


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