Are there any real reasons to go on living?

by Robdar 78 Replies latest watchtower medical

  • blackout

    I think a really good reason to go on living is to help others who are worse off than you. Those poor people who have nothing and no power to help themselves. We are so lucky to be living in these times with these wonderfull technologies to give us imformation which empowers us. Life is good, even if you only have the very basics. Imagine living in Iraq right now?

    Sometimes by helping others we can help ourselves, volunteer at your local soup kitchen. Bring some joy into the life of someone who has less than you, so that you can realise your blessings and how much you can give. Believe in yourself, you can give, if not materially then of your time and your warm smile to brighten anothers life. You are an important part of life and there are many people who need you and do or will love you if you give them half a chance.

    Love Blackout.

  • LyinEyes

    Awwwwwww Nilfun,,,,,, I got tears in my eyes over the fact you remembered my mom's name. It is so strange to see people who never knew her, remember her and her name. I think of that song alot too.

    In the song, the girls name is Laura but it at times sounds so much like it is saying Lura,,,,it is pronouced like the Irish song, Tura Lura Lura,,,,,,,and it gives me chills, I have chills when I read what you wrote Nilfun.

    Thanks for posting the lyrics to that beautiful son Wildhorses.

    I really believe that each and everyone of us plays a very important part in the big scheme of things, even if we ourselves just don't see it.

    I am sure my Mother didnt know how special she was,,,,,,and yet there will be generations of her grandchildren that will miss her even thou they never got to meet her. She just should have been here with us, and I wish she knew how much her presense in our lives would have meant to us.

    I am sure that those who are depressed and so down they wonder if anyone would care if they were still here or not,,,, I can almost say 100 % that there would be so many that would be affected by their absence.

    Grab a hand that is reaching out to you and hold on for dear life.

  • gumby
    You are an important part of life and there are many people who need you and do or will love you if you give them half a chance

    Well said blackout........and very sweet...................( damn I hope your not a dude)

  • myself

    Dede, your mom is remembered, yes even her name because you are such a wonderful tribute to her legacy because of the love and memories that you have shared of her.

  • blackout
    Many are not content to be left in the dark as to why and how we are here and so they ask the question she did.

    Its good to ask questions, because the reason we are here is ...................To LEARN. This world is a place of learning, kinda like a virtual reality learning program. Everything that happens to us is trying to teach us something, we just need to seek, ask questions of ourselves, others and the universe. Then we will recieve answers, if we are receptive and open to them.

  • Yerusalyim

    A reason for living, Many, but if all else fails, FOR SPITE. Just not to give the B*stards the satisfaction. Plus, I want to be around long enough to extract vengence on my kids by becoming a burden to them (after I've spoiled their kids ROTTEN). I'm hoping that puts a smile on your face.

    If ya need or want to talk email me, I'll send you my cell number in your INBOX.

    My email is [email protected]


  • jgnat

    Robdar, you are worrying me a bit, as you have hid pain behind a smile before. Feeling like life is not worth living is not enough reason to terminate it. Feelings come and go. I only felt like that once. After a full day of pondering, I decided I couldn't. My children needed the best mom they could get. No matter how I felt about my life, I had no right to ruin the next generation. Reasons to go on living?

    • For the next generation. My children need my example and my wise counsel to be the best they can be. My SparrowCouple "do it" in the snow every spring, in the hopes that, this year, they will conquer cat and storm and magpie. Perhaps this summer a new class of SparrowBabies will line up in a neat row along my fence. Sparrows don't give up.
    • To create. Nobody can paint or write or do what I can, because I am unique. I consider creativity to be a personal assault on entropy.
    • To give. Is the world full up on hugs, kindness, gifts, thanks? Giving is my assault on selfishness.
  • Robdar

    I want to thank you all for replying.

    I love all of you and hope that you will not hold it against me for being depressed. I just can't seem to shake it. I am happy for you that you still want to be in this existence. I have thought about all the things that you all have suggested as to why life is worth living. I just don't know that I can find pleasure in these things anymore.

    My logical side knows that what you say is true. My other, darker side, says what the f**k.

    What is the point to living when all is insanity? What sort of cosmic joke is being played out in our lives?

    I don't know how much more that I can take. I have a couple of things that I want to accomplish. After that, what's the point?


  • Aztec

    Girlie, I am calling you!



  • hillary_step


    Life is always more preferable than the alternative, even if only that we do not know what tommorrow might bring, but life is just moments. Make the moments count and the life will count. The gift of your kindness to another person is always worth living for.

    Keep smiling, - HS

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