What weird habits do you have?

by JH 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    OK I confess I do the license plate name game too

    I am a procrastinator

    I sleep with a cat either snuggled in my armpit or over my head (preferably on his own pillow but he will sneak onto mine if he can and push me off - or I get a face full of fur)

    I always need something covering me when I am sleeping. (abuse related)

    I can't close my eyes in the bath or shower even to wash my hair - also abuse related

    I hate not being in control of the things around me (more abuse remnants)

    I don't mind clutter as long as I know where everything is

    I have no problem standing up in front of an audience of a couple hundred people and giving a 2 hour speech but get shy in small groups (unless I am in charge)

  • Guest 77
    Guest 77

    OK, for starters, I wear my T-shirt, socks and work sweater inside out. Why? Itchy clothes on bear skin annoys me. I always wore my baseball caps backwards since the early Fifties, no big deal. How about sleeping on floors?

    Here's a comment that I get often, do you know that your sweater is upside down? I say, no, it's inside out! I then proceed to show them my T-shirt and socks. My wife and others say, I'm not normal, ah yes, that's because I don't follow the crowd.

    Guest 77

  • oldcrowwoman

    Flat surfaces are never bare. The Cancer in me. So my living space should have no flat surfaces. Otherwise clutter build up.

    Always looking for leaks under cars. Use to driving old cars.


  • LyinEyes

    I thought of another extreamly weird thing I do,,,,,, I thought I was the only person to do this, until I found out my neice does it too.........ok,,,,,,,,here goes........When I go to a public restroom,,,,,I never touch the toilet paper at the bottom where someone has just yanked off their paper......... I stick my hand up inside the toilet paper dispenser, if I have to,,,,,,, and unroll it several times, to make sure I get fresh toilet paper that no one eles has touched . And I if at all possible use the disposible covers or I try to hover over the toilet without touching it..........not always possible , but I try.

  • zev

    sort of along those lines........

    when i use a public rest room i ALWAYS check to see which way the door opens, and if i HAVE TO grab a handle or knob to open it. when i am done washing my hands, if i have to touch the handle or knob to open the door, i use paper towels. i never touch a handle in a public rest room bare handed.

    i think the reasons are obvious

    i'm only compusive about that one thing.

    i think.

    i'll have to ask Gwen.

  • nowisee

    ~aztec - how about rejoice! or is that too jwish.

    i hardly ever do one think straight through to finish. i do a little of this and a little of that, go back to this, and then more of that. -- i figure if i don't have enough time to complete everything then at least some of everything will get done.

    my husband for the longest time could not figure out why there would still be one or two dishes left in the sink, or just some laundry left unfolded, or why only 3 of 5 rooms would get vacuumed, etc.

    quirky -- i know.

  • oldcrowwoman

    I don't stand in line with my back to the person behind me. Stand side ways. ( abuse reaction)

    Startle easily by loud noises.

    1/2 hr early for work. my mediative time. Start the day out slow.

    Stare off into space

    sleep with a toy stuff rabbitt.


  • JH

    Another weird thing I do is that when I listen to the radio in my car, I listen to a radio station in Montreal 90 miles away,barely audible full of static(out of range). And when I go to Montreal and the radio station is clear, I listen to the radio station of my home town instead, which is too far away and full of static and barely audible.

  • ikhandi

    I am obsessed with clean teeth and breath so for what seems like forever I brush my teeth after I eat anything. Most days I brush my teeth on an average of 10 times. Btw I have the most whitest teeth you will ever see.

    JH you have a serious car fetish

  • nilfun
    What weird habits do you have?

    A few. Here's one of them:

    The numbers have to "jackpot" when I am getting fuel at the service station, especially: $7.77

    ..and it doesn't matter if the amount doesn't 'fillerup'...

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