What weird habits do you have?

by JH 53 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Do you have any weird habits that make you special?

    I always go to bed naked, even in the winter. I eat at odd hours, whenever I'm hungry, and that happens fast. Breakfast at 6:30AM, Dinner at 10:15 AM (I'm hungry) Supper at 3:30 PM (still hungry). Whenever I go to a restaurant, they know what I want to order, because I always order the same things at the same restaurants. Them fools must think I always eat the same things all the time. I talk to my cat and she answers me with a meow each time. I live alone and I make 5 washings a week. I put timers all around my appartment so that the TV, Radio, lights, go on and off at fixed hours, so that the cat won't be bored when I'm not there.

    I always eat and drink at the same time. One bite, one sip, one bite, one sip. I love coke and HATE pepsi. I hate water. I won't eat in a restaurant that serves pepsi and not coke.

    I never change brand of shampoo, toothpaste, dishwashing liquid, bread... When I'm satisfied with something or a product, I never change for something else. I only change when they discontinue a product.

    What weird habits do you have?

  • LyinEyes

    I have no set time to go to bed or wake up.

    I rearrange my furniture all the time.

    I am a terrible pack rat, will not throw anything away.

    I will not be caught dead with out red toe nail polish on my toes. ( Ugly scars on my feet from surgery)

    I can not enjoy my food without a coke, I can't drink water with my meal.

    I color my hair complusively, and then change it back.

    I like to go to Super Walmart at 2 am.

    I can not sleep in my sheets if there is one grain of sand or a crumb in them. So I obsessivly check.

    Maybe that is more than I should admit to ,,,,,,,,,lol...........for now.........

  • Hamas

    My weird habbit is that I don't worry about anything.

    People aske me , 'What makes you so special, everybody worries about something.'

    I reply, 'Thats exactly what makes me so special'

    Seeing as though most people do worry about something, I would say this is a weird unique habbit.

  • NubianIsMe

    I become addicted to message boards and have to check them daily or I just keep wondering about what was posted and will move to page 2 before I get back.

    I seldom if ever check page 2 on a board.

  • gitasatsangha

    I take things apart when I'm not mindful. I don't necessarilly put them back together.

  • StinkyPantz

    I eat food off of the floor.

    I strip naked as soon as I walk into my house.

    I must sleep covered no matter how warm it is.

    When writing in pen, if I make one mistake, I never scratch it out, I redo the whole page, even if it's just a grocery list.

  • gitasatsangha

    I must come over and try and offer you a bible study sometime

  • StinkyPantz


    You talkin' ta me?

  • OrbitingTheSun

    I'm obsessive/compulsive, so I have enough of these to write a book.

    My most pervasive habits are counting and touching. I count things and organize them in sets of magic numbers and I touch things or draw lines on them with my finger to tell myself that whatever the object is is "set." I don't expect that to make any sense, but those are two of my weird habits.

  • blondie

    JH, I take it you are single and do not have small children?


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