Does your cat eat grass?

by JH 54 Replies latest jw friends

  • myself
    One real danger for them is that string they put on balloons and gifts. One will try to swallow that stuff until he is foaming at the mouth - The Maine Coon - the ditz of the family

    That and rubber bands. Our steroid size cat ate one once. Thankfully it passed at least most of the way thru. We had to pull it out, I couldn't stop laughing as it stretched and finally snapped. It could have caused him some serious problems though, so now all rubberband are stored in a drawer he can't open.

    My cat eats grass and licks everything. from carpet to shoes to computer monitors.. i have a strange cat.

    The cat we had prior to steroid kitty loved to stick his entire head in my shoes when I took them off.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    OMG rubber bands - we are so careful to hide those.

    My cats - with all their claws intact - love to chase balloons. I blow them up and they will chase them around the house for days - yes days for one balloon. The Coon likes to try to grab the knot and then carry the balloon around the house. Of course when he does capture it in his teeth he has to walk sideways to get anywhere. Once he has "killed" it he picks it up and carries it to his food bowl and drops it there

  • JH

    Well, I started this thread because my cat does indeed eat grass, and alot of it when she goes outside. Good for her health? Not so sure. When she eats grass, she finally throws up, and then she has diarrhea afterwards for days.

    So that's why I asked if you think it's good for cats to eat grass. I think it gets her sick, but she eats it because she rarely goes outside, and there must be a special taste to grass that drives her crazy for it.

  • myself

    LOL Lady Lee, I will have to try a balloon here. I can just picture your cat walking sideways.

  • asleif_dufansdottir
    Good for her health? Not so sure. When she eats grass, she finally throws up, and then she has diarrhea afterwards for days.

    I would only worry if the grass she ate had chemicals (either pesticides or fertilizer) in it. That might be a problem.

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