It's the "YOU ARE WRONG!" Game!

by Yizuman 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Reborn2002

    Water is wet.

    YOU ARE WRONG! Water can be present in three possible forms. As we all learned in grammar school science class, water is versatile in that it can be a solid, a liquid, and a gas. When water is evaporated and is reduced to miniscule vapors... it is anything but wet.

    Fire is hot.

  • Reborn2002


    Where is Yizuman? Normally he responds often to his own threads, especially the games he initiates.

    I notice Shutterbug did not return to the thread to continue spewing unprovoked insults.

    A word of advice for you Shutterbug. To paraphrase Sun Tzu and Niccolo Machiavelli in the art of strategic warfare, you should study your opponent so as to learn their capabilities before engaging them. What this means is you should learn what they are capable of before you go on rashly attacking them and then end up finding out the hard way you make erroneous statements and subsequently make yourself look stupid.

    Anyway, back to the game. Fire is hot. Anyone going to attempt to prove me wrong?

  • Robdar

    Fire is hot.

    This is utter nonsense. If fire was hot, why can I walk on it and not be burned? You only think that fire is hot. Of course this is your business and entirely okay for you to believe what you want

    "life originated on mars"


  • Yizuman
    Where is Yizuman? Normally he responds often to his own threads, especially the games he initiates.

    Libraries were closed for the holidays over the weekend....

    Sowwy man


  • Yizuman
    "life originated on mars"

    you are WRONG, you are someone sent from another dimension to poison our thoughts and logical thinking of what is real and what isnt"

    *puts on the tin foil hat!*

    Computers makes life so much easier to communicate.

  • fraidycat9

    You are wrong!!!

    If computers were all that great a communications device, how come no one gets df'd via email?


    "Used diapers smell good"

  • Yizuman

    "Used diapers smell good"

    You are WRONG! If this was true, every Kingdom Hall would all be full!

    Simon is the moderator of the JWD forum

  • happyout

    "Simon is the moderator of the JW forum"

    How wrong can you be?? If he were, he would have locked this silly thread long ago

    We are living in the last days

    Happyout (happy to play)

  • Yizuman
    We are living in the last days

    You are WRONG! We still got all these Mardi Gras parties left!

    Ketchup tastes better than mustard.

  • Valis
    Ketchup tastes better than mustard.

    only without mustard....

    The Watchtower is better than the Awake.


    District Overbeer

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