It's the "YOU ARE WRONG!" Game!

by Yizuman 47 Replies latest jw friends

  • Robdar

    "Birds who fly South every winter do so without roadmaps."

    This is complete fallacy. Ask any bird and they will tell ya that the ones who do fly without roadmaps get a lot of grumbling from their wife birds complaining about men who won't stop to ask directions.

    Going out in service wasnt a chore, it was spiritual bliss.


  • Brummie
    Going out in service wasnt a chore, it was spiritual bliss.

    Only if spiritual bliss is interpreted as being braindead and comatised, which it isnt.

    Dogs are better pets than cats


  • Stephanus
    Dogs are better pets than cats

    Only if you prefer a pet that shits all over your lawn and needs constant entertaining.

    "Jehovah's Witnesses are the happiest people on Earth"

  • Robdar

    "Jehovah's Witnesses are the happiest people on Earth"

    Wrong, yet again. JW's only appear to be happy because of all the antidepressants that they are taking. Nobody could be happy while sucking old man ass from Brooklyn.

    "Squirrels gather nuts for the winter"


  • Reborn2002

    No need to turn this thread into personal attacks. However I will address your insulting statement.

    George Bush has made a living out of folks underestimating him. He has two degrees from Ivy League Universitys, was part owner of the Texas Rangers, Govenor of Texas, and now President. What have you accomplished Reborn??

    George W. Bush was born on third base and thinks he hit a triple.

    George W. Bush received a bachelor's degree in history from Yale. His grades weren't good enough to get him into Yale, but his dad was an alum and a U.S. Representative from Texas at the time. After Yale, Bush applied to law school at the University of Texas, but they turned him down. He joined the Texas Air National Guard, just 12 days before his student deferment would have expired, in order to avoid service in Vietnam. He took two years of flight training and served as a part-time fighter pilot until 1973. Outside his National Guard commitment, he was frequently unemployed. He has since refused to explain a six-month gap in his service record, during which he was absent.

    Bush was arrested for drunk driving in 1976. He ran for the United States House of Representatives in 1978 and lost. The same year, he started his own oil and gas company, Arbusto, with $17,000 from his educational trust fund (must be nice). Arbusto lost money when oil prices fell. It was rescued from bankruptcy when another energy company, Spectrum 7, bought it out. Bush was named CEO, and given Spectrum 7 stock and a $75,000 annual salary. Spectrum 7 lost $400,000 in two years under his tenure and was later bought out by Harken Oil. Bush was named to that company's board of directors (how can a man who lost money everytime he ventured into the oil business continually be given executive titles and astronimical financial compensation?) and paid $80,000 a year as a consultant. In 1989, he bought a 2 percent stake in the Texas Rangers baseball team with a $500,000 loan from a Midland, Texas bank where he once served on the board of directors (convenient isn't it?) In 1990, he sold his Harken stock for a 200 percent profit one week before that company announced a $23 million loss. (Yet he criticized Enron and Worldcom for questionable accounting practices and insider stock fraud, when he committed the same horrendous acts himself)

    Bush worked on his father's presidential campaign in 1987 and his re-election campaign in 1991. In 1994, he was elected Governor of Texas. In 2000, the U.S. Supreme Court declared him the President of the United States, though he lost the popular election to Al Gore.

    He has since started two wars and managed an economy that is piss poor at best.

    Reborn2002 was born into a Jehovah's Witness family the third child of a the typical, poor Jehovah's Witness family. As a third-generation member, and a male, he was expected to excel in the religion and be an elder like his grandfather before him. Contending with abusive problems at home, and not being allowed to celebrate holidays or play extracurricular activities with other kids, he immersed himself and concentrated on academic work. Reborn2002 graduated from high school at age 16 (having skipped two grades) as valedictorian of his graduating class with a 4.0 G.P.A. Reborn2002 went on to college (despite his parent's objections and reluctance to help fund his efforts) and graduated from college in Illinois with a Bachelor's degree in Business Administration at age 19. (baccalaureate programs are available to complete in 3 years instead of 4, by attending school year round and not taking summers off) It was during this period that Reborn studied philosophy, religion, ethics, and science intensely. After considerable self-analysis and research into the Jehovah's Witness religion, Reborn2002 stood up for his beliefs and convictions and disassociated himself from the cult despite losing all the friends he had ever been allowed to have and the family who shuns him to this day for his choice. Reborn2002 now lives on his own 2,000 miles away from his family, and is working to support himself, and is currently pursuing a second Bachelor's degree with a double-major in Psychology/Biology with the aspirations of attending medical school and being a physician with his own private practice. (hence the business education, to be better equipped to manage the clinic)

    Reborn2002 has no criminal record, has never managed a company which lost millions of dollars in revenue, and in two years has personally contributed to helping over 10 individuals to exit the Jehovah's Witness cult. (nonwithstanding any lurkers who post here and see some research contributions)

    You can read my profile. I am 22 years old. What have you accomplished by my age?

    Sorry to veer offtopic folks, but I do not like being personally attacked for making a joke about a public figure. My response is merely a rebuttal and a chance to get stupid people with personal insults pointed at me off my back.

  • Stephanus

    Ahem, the last statement was "Squirrels gather nuts for the winter"

    Stephanus, of the "there's always room for other stuff in other threads" class

    (The dig at Reborn also belongs in another thread, BTW)

    Stephanus, of the "perhaps political statements should be left out of this thread" class.

  • Robdar

    Reading Reborn's post makes me wish I was 20 years younger. I get weak in the knees when a man is intelligent and sexy.



  • Reborn2002

    Sorry Stephanus. I will resume to trying to enjoy playing a game while perusing this thread. I just do not appreciate being personally attacked while making jest of a public figure who is often the butt of jokes anyway.

    YOU ARE WRONG! Squirrels do not gather nuts for the winter. If that was the case, why do I see so many empty shells scattered about on the ground ? Shouldn't they be in some large storage pile inside a tree or something?

    Try this one. The earth is round.

  • gitasatsangha

    Squirrels do not gather nuts specifically for the winter. Squirrels have no concept of conscious planning and harvesting. They gather the nuts because they are around. Were there an abundance of nuts in the winter, squirrels would gather them then as well.

    Everyone knows only human can think.

    ooops I was too late hitting the "submit post" button.

  • Robdar

    Try this one. The earth is round.

    Wrong. If the earth was round we would all be walking up-side down or sideways. The people in Australia would fall off the earth. I get the heebie jeebies just thinking about that. It is obvious that the world is flat and if you go to far, you fall off the edge.

    "Water is wet"


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