What is the most insensitive thing an Overseer or Elder has ever said and done to you?

by RULES & REGULATIONS 47 Replies latest jw experiences

  • slimboyfat

    One CO visited me for an “encouraging visit”. He got my name wrong, but I was too awkward to correct him. It lasted over an hour.

  • Overrated

    I had an elder tell me that he dis fellowship me for my attitude (weak spirituality) more like waking up to the truth. I told him why bother I soon will no longer come to these ridiculous meetings anymore, it's a matter of time. No worries, I'm buying my time.

  • Clarky21

    So my wife at the time had just given birth to my daughter, she was a couple of months old at the time. I believe my brother in law had his two year old in same row as me.

    The congregation were always a bit merciless when it came to noise from children. Anyway the po or coordinator came storming up aisle and said to me you will have to take your daughter out she is distracting the speaker.

    I took my daughter out totally fuming, then he went back and a couple of minutes later came storming back.up and told my brother in law same thing.

    After meeting I asked the speaker if he was distracted and he didn't have a clue what I was talking about. Anyway I was too mad to speak to this elder, would probably have laid him out.

    Anyway next meeting I tore a strip of him, he didn't do it again.

  • FFGhost
    He became an elder and completely changed. He went from encouraging to judgemental pretty much overnight.

    I've seen this countless times. The most mild, meek, generous person, then give them a smidgen of authority, and whammo! SS officer material.

  • WingCommander

    So many experiences on here.......I have many myself. But I think the most common thing I've heard Elduhzzzz say to people, especially those down, having health problems, etc is:

    "Don't you know that there are people worse off then you?" - A complete waving off of YOUR problems, belittlement.

    "You need to pray more, attend all the meetings, and be more regular in the Field Ministry" - like that's the magic cure-all for whatever ails you!

  • mickbobcat

    I had one tell me I was a fatherless boy because my dad was not strong in the cult. My old man was so pissed off.

  • Overrated

    Elders are about as useful as hen shit on a pump handle. When my dad was laid off from work and on strike, elders came by to tells to do more meeting attendance and field circus and stuff like that. To this day I don't know why my dad and family continue with these buffoons.

  • JW GoneBad
    JW GoneBad

    Another insensitive comment that originated with the Governing Body that I've heard from local elders both from the podium and one on one:

    "If your child is old enough to drive then he/she is old enough to be baptized!"

    Or put more directly:

    "If your child is driving...why isn't she/he baptized?"

    Now imagine yourself a parent or youth in the audience and hearing this!

  • mynameislame

    Reading a lot of these makes me think I was probably a judgmental prick when I was a JW. So I guess I can't complain too loudly...

  • Overrated

    I have alot of regret being a Jw. Was a judgemental, self righteous little prick. Then I woke up. Many regrets. JW's don't produce any valuable people.

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