Any updates on the org's $4000 per day fine?

by The Searcher 67 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Landy
    Then when I bring up NPR and PBS, Trey Bundy and Reveal, than SNAP you come back acting like I am some nut case throwing around words that mean nothing just because you have not heard of them.

    I'm simply stating that you've heard of them because they inhabit your little world and they are important to you. That doesn't necessarily go for the rest of the population.

    Now you get offended because I call you uneducated and ignorant. Look up what the words mean. Just because you have not heard of SNAP in your little part of the UK does not mean it is not a very active organization.

    Not offended at all. Amused. I don't get offended on Internet forums.

    Also just because you say you will ask ones at work means nothing because you clearly have a computer right in front of you all you have to do is google it and you will clearly see just how huge and massive SNAP and NPR and PBS and Trey Bundy with Reveal is. In fact right now you can listen to Tray's report from last month. I know for a fact it was huge in Seattle Washington and many people heard it.

    I can find out the square root of 25762 on google. Doesn't mean I'd know it off the top of my head.

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    I just got to thinking AlltimeJeff just did a thread on Gaslighting. This is exactly what you have been doing to me Landy. Trying to make me feel crazy, name calling, etc. Than when I call you out on it you throw it back at me trying to make me out to be the one attacking you. Making yourself the victim, being insulted because I called you uneducated and ignorant. I am not saying in life in general that you are ignorant or uneducated but when it comes to this topic of child molesters and you refuse even though it is right in front of you, all you have to do is type in the words yet you refuse and instead say you do not need to because as you put it, "not everyone has the same priorities and the safeguarding policies of a minor restorationist religion are of no concern to the vast majority of people."

    But see it is to a lot of people, people like Trey Bundy and SNAP, NPR, PBS.

    So even though right in front of you right now you can type in the words you have to wait until tomorrow. If that is not gaslighting me than what is.


  • Landy

    Sorry. I can't debate with you any more.

    life's too short.

    (See what I did there?)

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    So now you go to insulting me. Good shows where you are really coming from. I am in my "own little world," yet you have never heard of huge media organizations like NPR and PBS, who's in their own little world? And if "you do not get offended as you stated here " I don't get offended on Internet forums." why are you debating me?


  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Nice Landy I hope you do get a life because I really did get to you. Nice to know.


  • Landy

    Lol :D

  • life is to short
    life is to short

    Have to have the last word Landy, and you say I am not getting to you.


  • Landy

    You are totally unhinged aren't you? Nuttier than squirrel shit.

    Sorry, I can't argue with you any more - you'll just bring me down to your level.

  • Life is to short 2
    Life is to short 2

    After Life really is to short

    Get it life is to short

  • Landy

    Multiple user accounts?

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