the gaping hole in this week's weak wt study.

by waton 53 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • waton

    for pimi pimo persons: Give us one text that says those aspiring to everlasting life should not partake of the bread and wine.

    In the article, the whole proposition of refusing the emblems is based on the personal experience of one brother in the 1930s.! before that,

    All jws partook. fine. as they should have, but where did the idea come from that those, now classified with an "earthly hope" should henceforth not partake?

    The whole exercise gives not one scriptural reason, nor one single text. why it is , that believers should not partake, It behooves wt to offer such justification: after all,

    Jesus passed the bread and wine to people with a firm earthly hope! In John 6 he said partaking is a condition to get everlasting life! not immortality!. so, wt believers:

    Just one text to say, anybody gets life without partaking. king or not. one text that justifies wholesale abstaining, rejection.

    P.S. Peter said that first century Christians awaited a " new Earth? is there any record that those had that hope abstained? surely, not all the billions of partakers will miss out on the paradise resurrection?

  • Rattigan350

    No one today should partake.

    Jesus told the 11 apostles to eat the bread and drink the wine and keep doing that in remembrance of him. They were with him for 3 1/2 years. They had person experiences to remember. No one since they died had those experiences. We only know Jesus from reading stories in Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. So we don't eat bread and drink wine in remembrance of him. We reread the stories in remembrance of him.

  • waton
    No one today should partake.,

    well while it is true there is no record of the apostles doing it ( on one Passover night peter was not attending the memorial) Did not Paul say " whenever you eat and drink you proclaim--" so there was a repetition of the ceremony; the catholic mass, communion for example.

    The novelty in wt doctrine is that they teach that you can get life, without partaking. (after slaving for a 1000 years).

    No scripture is ever offers for that stance. only 1935 vox popoli, vox dei. anecdotes.

  • Diogenesister

    That's a very good point waton, and one I'd never considered. That just because you don't aspire to be of the 144000 or to go to heaven, why should you still not partake?

    Watchtower truly doesn't have one single scripture from the Bible that justifies their position on who gets to partake!

  • waton
    Watchtower truly doesn't have one single scripture from the Bible that justifies their position

    Ds. it goes even further, they even deny that headquarters came up with the idea in 1935 to have the majority of their member cease to partake. Wt attributes that to a spontaneous reaction, vox popoli!. so:

    F&DS of 19i9 in inaction. in reaction. into victim blaming. again.

  • Nicholaus Kopernicus
    Nicholaus Kopernicus

    John 6 has a bearing on this - from vs 22 which is Jesus' discourse in the synagogue at Capernaum...

    vs 51 - "anyone who eats this bread will live for ever"

    vs 54 - "anyone who does eat my flesh and drink my blood has eternal life"

    vs 58 - "but anyone who eats this bread will live for ever"

    I don't read anything taught by Jesus limiting partaking to a limited number of JWs as taught by the GB. "Anyone" is much broader than a mere 144,000!

  • waton
    John 6 has a bearing on this

    NK: right, there is a difference too between the right to everlasting life and immortality.

    wt teaches that partaking gets you the right to everlasting life on earth. The anointed, by virtue of their partaking, acquire that right and, like Jesus, have to sacrifice that right to obtain immortality. so:

    How dare the wt leaders then not allowing step one, partaking, for the general membershyp? after all.

    the 144 000 come out of the 12 [spiritual] Tribes of Israel. and all of that Israel is in the [new] covenant.

  • Vidqun

    To the contrary, note what Jesus says of you if you don't partake: “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day” (cf. John 6:48-54 ESV). And the basis of judgement: “If anyone hears my words and does not keep them, I do not judge him; for I did not come to judge the world but to save the world. The one who rejects me and does not receive my words has a judge; the word that I have spoken will judge him on the last day” (12:47, 48 ESV). [Cursive script added.] Are the GB members sentencing their brothers to death?

  • HowTheBibleWasCreated

    Ok here is what is happening. The GB are distancing themselves from the other anointed. See they plan to be 'raptured the the Caymans'. Once this happens the rank and file can point and the so-called anointed and say "Ha you have mental issue, you weren't raptured!"

    Meanwhile the GB will live a happy life for awhile. and JWs splinter into sub-groups. I believe this is their plan.

  • hoser

    In the latest? jw.borg video Lett used some scripture to show that anointing can happen many years after baptism. So a person with the earthly hope can at any time proclaim themselves anointed and be appointed to the governing body. I’m not sure if this is noo light but it is a convenient way to keep the sham alive.

    Notice how many new governing body members come from outside headquarters? I did. A big fat Zero. They are all chosen from the inner party. Being anointed is a job requirement so they have a sip of wine on memorial night to keep their job

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