Subliminal images - why and who are the individuals behind it?

by UnshackleTheChains 105 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • mrmagic
    It's spiritual rape or spiritual molestation of the mind and spirit. Attempts to infiltrate a person's subconscious, in order to get them to do socially unacceptable and often illegal things on a subtle basis for control purposes. How far can you take it is the name of the game. Not sure as to how effective this is, though.
  • OrphanCrow

    August 22, 1991 Awake! magazine.

    Page 8:

    detail of boy's t-shirt:

  • fulano

    Jesus Crow, never noticed that one, thanks

  • UnshackleTheChains

    Sorry. But can't quite read what it says on boys shirt. Enlighten me?

  • OrphanCrow
    UTC: Sorry. But can't quite read what it says on boys shirt. Enlighten me?


  • OrphanCrow
    fulano: Jesus Crow, never noticed that one, thanks

    I don't often look at WT literature and only delve into select items when I am looking up something. In this case, I wanted to read about Wyndham Cook, the boy blood martyr featured in this Awake issue.

    When I do look at WT material now, the glaring propaganda hits me in the face and every time I do crack open a magazine or brochure, I am invariably confronted with subliminal images. I don't have to even look very hard - the subliminals just jump right out sometimes. Can't help it...some of them are so damn obvious.

    This issue - the August 22 1991 Awake! - is an astounding and incredible piece of constructed "f*** with your head" stuff, from front to back. I am still shaking my head and so glad that I decided years ago to avoid WT produced material as much as possible.

    I read Wyndham's story first and then, curious as to what the rest of the magazine had for articles, wondering whatever kind of topics were picked to offset such a tragedy, I continued to look at the rest of the Awake!.

    Wyndham's story (which ended with a tiny footnote saying he had died) was preceded by three articles, and a cover, directed at sports. Basically, competitive sports was a big no no. Even watching sports could be really bad (hence, the image of the child "enemy"). Only good "sports" was non-competitive exercise. Walking, biking, a little jumping up and down once in a while, but nothing to interfere with "Jehovah's Work".

    Bottom line - sports is bad.

    Then came Wyndham's story. (o.m.g.)

    And then a piece directed at teens to not smoke.

    And then 9 pages about all the wonderful construction work for Jehovah's Kingdom. How to give free labor to god.

    World events and letters to editor...blah, blah.

    And then. At the very end, the last page - a one page article on "Never Give Up". Who do they use as examples on not giving up? Complete with supporting bible verses? Two people who overcame difficulties, they never gave competitive sports. An Olympic athlete and another runner. Competitive athletes.

    First message of magazine - don't engage in competitive sports. Serve Jehovah. Do his work.

    2nd message - even children can stay loyal - loyal to death

    3rd message - don't smoke - smoking will kill you (never mind that refusing blood just killed Wyndham)

    4th message - construction work is really, really, really important to Jehovah

    5th message - never give up - look at competitive athletes! What a fine example they are! They never give up!!! (and neither did Wyndham...oops...except he did. He gave up on life in exchange for a promise of paradise)

    WT literature is pure madness. Subliminals in the images are not surprising in the midst of that insanity

  • UnshackleTheChains

    Thanks OC

  • Londo111

    Is it me or is that man's hand awfully close to that boy's...

  • Londo111

    Let's say there are subliminal images that the Watchtower has purposely placed in the artwork.

    Who would be in charge of that? Would the Governing Body know? Do they give instructions that comes down to the art department? Are these instructions written? Why hasn't these instructions, verbal or written, leaked? Why hasn't anyone who carried out these instructions come forward?

  • fulano

    Yes I agree Londo, that's not normal behaviour.

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