It's not a Dream job, but I FOUND A JOB!!!!! :D

by Jesika 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • TruckerGB

    DFWnonJW,now what is going on here,you talk to a georgous young lady,,and now you have her working the night shift!!!,How do you do it!!!!.

    Seriously,good on you Jess,hope it works out ok for you.

    Take care,


  • Trauma_Hound

    (((Jesika)))) Congrats hon!

  • Jesika

    Kls........sure, I am positive in no time I will hate chicken since I will be working there .

    Now you can make Simon happy and

    JH...............Now how did you know that was on my "to do" list???????

    LMAO @ Trucker.....thanx hon


  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    Fantastic news Jes! I've never been to Boston Market, but I'll have to make a stop now.

  • happyout

    Congratulations to you!!! You never know what can come from those types of jobs, my first job was as a waitress, and one of my "regular" customers liked me so much, he gave me an office job paying much better than what I was gettting. So be sure to smile at all the customers!!!


  • Jesika
    I've never been to Boston Market, but I'll have to make a stop now.

    LOL @ Tex

    You never know what can come from those types of jobs, my first job was as a waitress, and one of my "regular" customers liked me so much, he gave me an office job paying much better than what I was gettting. So be sure to smile at all the customers!!!

    Very true Happyout!!!!!

  • SheilaM

    Jesika: That is great Congratulation!!! On the college don't forget you should be able to get your college 100% paid for by the Pell grant. When you get ready to have a class just email me

  • nowisee

    congratulations! well done. 40 out of 50 is great especially for a test without any preparation.

    hubby and i go to boston market every so often - we get chicken, take it to a picnic table along the beach and watch sunset while having dinner. it might not seem to glamorous, still you can be proud. i have always been impressed with just how hard working and friendly all the employees seem to be. and you know, reaching any goal always starts with a first step.

    you will have to tell me how the meatloaf is...i've always wanted to try it.

    hey jesika, way to go.

    best wishes, nowisee

  • caligirl

    Congrats Jes!! That is great!!I'm very happy for you!

  • asleif_dufansdottir


    I am so glad you are going to pursue a college education, too!

    My husband (also x-JW) worked nights taking reservations in a call center to get his college degree (that, and gobs of loans). Now he's going to go to grad school for basically free, because he got assistantships and awards that pay his tuition and a small salary (who-hoo). So, work hard and you can see your dreams come true!

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