Why the Deficit at the Circuit Assembly?

by JT-LadyC 41 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim
    Perhaps the ''Conscious Class'' is voting with their wallets.
  • talesin

    Interesting that around 6:30, he describes the 'arrangements' for the Book Study contributions. Hmm, 'obviously there was ministerial servants that was borrowin' money', so they instituted a new-to-them, but SOP accounting practice of checks and balances.

    He is very kind to use the euphemism "borrowing money". : )

  • stuckinarut2

    Yes, great video.

    It is one of those "wow" moments when one notices that EVERY assembly is always in deficit!

    I noticed it about 15 years ago, and dropped a casual comment to an accounts elder about it, and I still remember the look on his face as he had a WTF moment of realisation!

  • pepperheart
  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim
    Expect to see a ramped-up effort in **giving to Jehovah**.
  • shepherdless

    Excellent video.

    So in essence, at a district convention, there is a fixed charge payable to WTBT$ calculated by applying a rate against the TOTAL number of publishers in the district (ie not just those that attend). And this charge is on top of any actual expenses. Further (not sure if I understood correctly) if WTBT$ doesnt get its full amount, then each congregation has to pay the difference, later.

    Seems pretty ruthless to me, especially given it is not transparent.

    If I have understood correctly, a congregation would be financially better off not having an occasional publisher who doesn't donate or attend the district convention, listed as a publisher. In fact the congregation would be penalised twice for each such publisher.

    Sorry if I have any terminology wrong. I refuse to attend any KH but my family never miss a meeting.

  • hoser
    I can see why they are so hell bent on counting people. The more people in attendance the more money the branch charges for the assembly.
  • ToesUp
    I like how he describes assemblies as a seminar. Great video!
  • freddo

    And how he describes it in the US is exactly how it is done in my corner of the UK. Except it's £10 per publisher not 10 bucks. And then the CO writes to the congo's to make up the deficit if not enough came in!

    And when the assembly hall is paid for - no change in the "per capita" - and then in 2014 or 2015 the assembly hall slush fund err ... maintenance fund of about £800,000 is cleaned out and sent to the branch too.

    And don't forget Sophia's ice cream money. We need that!

  • carla

    I gotta mark this to listen to when my jw is not around

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