What Really Happened (Back Then) With The False Teaching Of 1975 Among Jehovah's Witnesses?

by 1975JWExpert 59 Replies latest jw friends

  • 1975JWExpert


    Our group and members thereof, have been posting here on this discussion board, off and on for more than 20 years, believe it or not.

    Simply put, we are not peddling ideas, recruiting or proselyting for membership at all.

    Instead, we feel we are under special instructions by the Most High Himself, to give official notice to all Jehovah's Witnesses (former or current) of the impending consequences of violation of His Holy Covenant, and the resulting culmination of Matthew 21:43 upon this wayward, miserable, "apostate" people. (See Isaiah 10:6 NWT; Daniel 11:30, 32.)

    See link about covenant violation: https://www.yorww.com/disgustingthing.htm

    We have no need to beg, recruit, persuade people (JWs) nor feel any obligation to do anything toward them. (Jehovah's Witnesses have already signed-on-the-dotted-line and have obligated themselves to the Almighty by way of a covenant-relationship when they got baptized. That's a done deal.) We simply tell people, or announce to them, that because of Great Sin being committed on their part, they are surely facing Jehovah God and His Son Jesus Christ, in certain judgment and wrath, as the "House of God." (See 1 Peter 4:17.)

    What you do with this special info . . . is entirely up to you.

    . . . Hope this helps.


  • NotFormer

    From what you have been posting, you seem to be floating the idea that establishing the GB as the authority was a departure from the correct path. That implies that the old presidential model was reflective of the true religion but the GB bastardised it. While it is stretching it, you might argue that the Jerusalem council of Acts 15 might, on a foggy day, while you're not wearing your glasses, look a bit like a "governing body"*. An all powerful company president, in the mould of Rutherford, has no biblical** precedent.

    *Governing body is in its own right a term from corporations law, as is president. The WT is not a religion (they declared such during the Rutherford era); it is a corporation. It's early practitioners were called colporteurs (a term meaning sellers of books and magazines) and then they became publishers (still a business term).

    ** Especially in the NT

  • mann377

    I find this discussion very interesting. So I tought I would throw in my two cents. I was a press operator at Bethel from 1972-1976. I printed the September -76 Watchtower, also the Awake. This was at the Watchtower Farm. I sat next to Bud Sullivan at the table at the Farm. He was in charge of the service department for many years until he retired and was sent to the farm. I had many discussions with him about various people at Brooklyn. He was not kind in many of the remarks about different ones on the GB. As far as all the talk about 1975. I remember in October of 1974 we were reminded that we were in the 1975 sevice year and were to expect some big changes and happenings (this was at the breakfest table). The expectation about 1975 was at a fever pitch in some places as the factory overseerer told me to run an extra 17,000 copies of one issue of the Watchtower for on congergation in Texas. I about fell over.The only person I knew on the GB was Charlie Fektel (my table head in Brooklyn). Charlie was a very good and humble man and I still have great respect for him (RIP). He came to Bethel in 1918 and told me stories that would raise the hair on your head. I sat next to Fred Franz at Squibb for about a month (strange person, red plaid shirt with green strip tie?). I also spent alot of time with Fred Barnes as a friend (anyone hear of the "day of the three Freds?).

    I know I got off subject but couldn't help it.

  • Biahi

    Charlie Fektel?

  • DesirousOfChange


    GB for a little over years (late '74 or early '75 to early "77).

    Never a "shaker & a mover" among the GB.

  • NotFormer

    A former manifestation of this YORWW stuff on this board:


    Apparently one of the faithful few turns up here from time to time under a new name and posts something, then eventually disappears into the ether.

  • mann377

    "Never a "shaker & a mover" among the GB." Not so fast. Once I got to the lower dinning room early and noticed Knorr and Fekel talking. Fekel was pointing his finger at Knorr and dressing him down in no uncertian terms. YIKES. Knorr just stood there and said nothing. Charlie would be shocked if he could see how the GB has become.

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    So in 1976 suddenly people had 20-20 hindsight on 1975. There is no evidence that there was any dissent before that, there are plenty of recordings, writings and letter that detail what people truly believed at that point. Off course people are going to try to find a scapegoat and who else but someone who later was “disloyal”, yet no evidence anyone spoke up before 1975. How about all the other dates and events that spelled the end since 1843?

  • FragrantAddendum


    (minutes 20-35 for sample of "1975" blah blah blah, specifically "September 5th 1975")


    Info on 1874 in publications, examples:

  • Ding

    An elder told me, "My service to Jehovah isn't tied to a date."

    This after spending the previous 9 years hyping 1975...

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