How Long Will YOU Identify As A Jehovah’s Witness?

by minimus 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Exelder

    I hope that you were more compassionate and understanding when dealing with the congregation than you are here branding people hypocrites and berating them for not leaving the organisation sooner.

    No wonder we elders got such a reputation for being hard-hearted, dogmatic and judgemental.

    Anyway I am glad that you made the brave decision and got out and hope that your life wasn't torn apart as much as some people who eventually made the same decision.

  • minimus

    Exelder, I hope you have learned a lesson not to judge people like you did with me.

  • Exelder

    "Exelder, I hope you have learned a lesson not to judge people like you did with me."


    The words below are YOUR words.

    They accuse people of having no principles, leading a double life, promoting lies, being a hypocrite.

    They show no compassion or understanding of an individuals circumstances.

    How have I mis-judged what you have said?

    Are they your words or not?

    As a is exactly what YOU have said in this thread:

    "Especially as an elder, it should get to a point that you just can’t do it anymore unless of course you have no principles."

    "I think a person should eventually get out of a false religion if they KNOW it’s bogus. Especially if you are an elder. How long will you be a hypocrite, forever??"

    "So we should not promulgate a lie. When we do , we help no one."

    "do you plan on continuously leading a double life or will you courageously leave a religion that you know teaches lies??"

  • minimus

    You assumed that I was not raised as a Witness. Then you lambasted me for not understanding what born ins go through. You obviously had no idea what you were talking about. You made broad assumptions about me and everything about me. You were totally incorrect. I have been there and there comes a time when you need to make a decision—- either be honest and stop identifying as a JW or remain a Witness in good standing , perhaps even play along as an elder and simply be a hypocrite! EVENTUALLY a person should make a decision to get out of the religion if they clearly know it’s bullshit.

  • Exelder

    It is up to the individuals when they do it...and IF they do it.

    It is a huge life changing and at times, terrifying step for them.

    In the meantime they should get our support and not be shamed into making a decision by calling them hypocrites, saying they have no principles, leading a double life and promoting lies

    You have a very hard attitude (I have seen it on other threads too when people have differing views to you) and I think I was dead right about you.

  • minimus

    Dead right about me that I was not raised as a Witness and know the situation? You won’t even admit your error in this.

    You are simply trying to make people feel comfortably numb and take a course of least resistance. People do have the individual decision to make their decision of course, but that doesn’t make it right. If you wish to encourage people to never come to grips with things, that’s your decision. I’m sure it’s not the only time you have given bad advice, exelder.

  • Exelder

    There is no right and wrong in this.

    Let people make their own minds up and come to their own decisions on what they do with their futures.

    You have no right to coheres them into taking a particular stance.

    They will decide to stay or leave i their own time.

    Oh ...and I admit my error about you not being raised as a witness. My apology.

  • minimus

    I forgive you. Exelder.🤓Listen , I know where you are coming from but leading a double life takes a toll on you. I said EVENTUALLY we should separate ourselves from the false religion and way of life. Not everyone has the same timetable but ignoring the reality forever is wrong... especially if you are still working at helping people either join the religion or stay in . That’s very wrong!

  • Max mortimer
    Max mortimer

    I think judging each other on being a coward or not is not the issue here, the important thing is we all left.. encouragement is needed to keep going. Character assassination is not helpful.. haven't we all had enough of being told what to do? Isn't that why we left?

  • Exelder

    Very wise words Max.

    We are the lucky ones who have been able to leave and you are right; we should be supporting and encouraging each other. The JW's would love to see us turning on each other and it would confirm what they think about 'worldly people'.

    Thank you :)

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