US Patriotism VS the Rest of the World

by Xena 107 Replies latest jw friends

  • Realist


    that is so funny...these salt mines are very close to my hometown (Salzburg). right now i am in vienna...but i drive forth and can drive through the entire country in like 5 hours

    i stayed a semester in Knoxville tennessee (my apartment was next to the river....the view was really beautiful) and 3 years in manhattan (fascinating city). i lived about 1 mile away from the WTC when the planes hit

    where are you in the states?

    if you ever go on a trip to austria again let me know! i will be your tourguide!

  • Realist


    If you take that dare, THEN we'll discuss why America IS the greatest Country that ever existed in the entire history of mankind. (Despite its problems which I'm well aware about.)

    oh oh oh that doesn'T sound like a very objective statement. if you really want a discussion about US history i am up for it....but we certainly shouldn'T ruin Xena's thread with it!

  • teejay

    Good topic, Z.

    >>> Do the American's on here consider themselves patriotic and how do they display this? How do they view the Europeans attitudes toward patriotism?

    Aside from your initial post and the first three or four respondents, I haven’t read any of the others’ comments. So, what I’m about to say has prolly already been said. A problem immediately comes up when trying to come to a consensus of what it is to be American. The fact is that there are so many dang varieties. What is or might be “American” for one American might be (often is) viewed as “un-American” by another American.

    As it is with foreigners, Americans, too, can also fall into the mistake of making broad, sweeping generalizations about what it is to be American. Our beloved president has recently set the tone in this regard, asserting that all must have the same view of certain topics of discussion or else risk being viewed as lacking in patriotism—you’re with “us” or against “us”.

    That being said, I’d say that the average American is pretty patriotic. Personally, I think that’s because – for one – Americans are generally short-sighted, not as educated, and not as given to thinking for themselves. We also tend to get our news from sources that don’t require serious reflection. When it comes to news and our view of the world, it’s true that the “MTV Generation” label fits. When the president or some celebrity gets on TV, a considerable number simply adopts the stated view.

    I think it’s also important to remember the age of our country compared to others. The world can like it or not and admit it or not, but advancing from what amounted to a wilderness 2 centuries ago to what is now the unchallenged world power is nothing short of miraculous. This achievement has brought with it a certain hubris—a pride of self and the belief that we are somehow better than the rest. Of course the fact that none of us now living actually had much to do with earlier achievements is not given much thought. Since we consider ourselves one big happy family—a Melting Pot, as it were—the achievements of this or that one is considered “our” achievement and, vicariously, “my” achievement.

    Given the aforementioned hubris and this ability to take credit for the work, will, and ingenuity of others, it’s not surprising that many Americans chafe when someone of a “lesser” nation actually deigns to disagree or find fault with “my” country. Since we (generally) haven’t given the matter much thought; since we’ve relied on news sources that have skipped only the surface of an issue in order to advance an agenda; since “we” have accomplished so much in so short an amount of time, how DARE someone from another country have the nerve to stand up and disagree with us?

  • Amazing

    Hi Prisca:

    I know I am joining this late ... but ...

    On what do they base their assertion that America is the best country in the world?

    I have explained this before. American citizens do not think of our nation as necessarily "superior" when it states "best." ... The expression is more likened to when a husband says that his wife is the best women in the world, or children say their parents are the best in the world ... they know that this is not really the case, but their love for their mate or parents is what is being expressed.

    The problem some other nations have with this attitude of Americans is that in order to get such "loyalty" they have to place a gun to people's heads ... whereas Americans love their country strictly from a free heart. They can love it or not ... and many who live here do not love this nation. Nevertheless, freedom is the underlying mantra.

    Do other nations have it as good as we do in America? Sure they do. That is why Canadians are so well off and do not flock across our border to live here. Nations such as Canada, the UK, Australia, and many other nations have it equally as good - maybe even better in some cases - it is just that American citizens have a special bond because nearly all of us have heritage elsewhere. The bond is a shared "ideal", not shared DNA.

    We are still a young nation. We have a lot to learn. We have a lot to give. We stand together with other good nations like Australia, Canada, the UK, etc ... we have taken our place in history along side those have have goven a lot to us ...

  • Englishman

    Trooping the Colour, which has honoured the sovereign's official birthday for nearly two centuries, dates back to the earliest times of armed conflict, when each leader needed his own flag or colours to stand out clearly amid the smoke and dust of battle. The flag or colours was trooped in front of the soldiers every day to make sure that every man could recognise those of his own regiment

    Helps avert the danger of "Friendly fire" maybe?


  • Pleasuredome


    not much chance of that. britain fought in red, and france fought in blue. then when dusk came eveyone would stop for refreshments.

  • safe4kids

    Ok, time to come clean here. Actually, my fellow Americans, we've been found out so let's just stop with the denial and tell it like it really is. Here's a song that sums up how Americans REALLY feel and yes, because I'm an American, I can speak for all of us:

    This Land Is My Land

    This land is my land, it ain't your land,

    I've got a shotgun, and you ain't got one,

    I'll blow your head off, if you don't get off,

    This land was made for me not you!

    Dana (who is feeling uncharacteristically sassy today) Nanny nanny boo boo

  • Englishman


    Believe it or not, that particular song by Woodie Guthrie is often sung in UK folk clubs.

    A bit like our "Land of hope and Glory" is the chosen song of some US schools.


  • VeniceIT

    Thanks for that tidbit of info there Englishman, but umm Prisca already told me that


  • Pleasuredome

    here's an interesting opinion i found, written by a texan.


    I've been watching the NEWS fairy tales on MSNBC tonight. This live show was supposed to be NEWS. It was anything but news. It was McCarthy's Anti-American propaganda and witch-hunt being re-enacted before our eyes.

    Let's set the record straight about Americans. The United States does not hold copyright to the words America or Americans. In fact the one entity that has LEAST right to assume claim to the name is the United States Federal Government. The United States is a non-sovereign, legal-fiction, created by the nation states that formed it, and it only holds claim to 10 miles squared.

    There are many Americans on these two continents that are not a part of the United States. There are also many Americans within the fifty states that also declare they are not a part of the United States.

    The host and guest of the MSNBC show was declaring Pro-Peace people, especially famous artists, as anti-American. If I remember correctly Canadians are also Americans. You can correct me if I am wrong here, with solid evidence they are not Americans. Canadian people solidly stood for PEACE! I'm sure these Canadians are Pro-American, as they are Pro-Peace and Pro-People.

    Every person south of the Rio Grande River -i.e. Central and South America are also Americans and their nations also reject the U.S. Invasion of Iraq as wrong and stood up for PEACE. I'm sure these people are also Pro-American, as they are Pro-Peace and Pro-People.

    I am from Texas... a nation state in its own right. I am Pro-Peace, Pro-Texas, and Pro-American. I am against this horror of the world, the Federal Government entrenched in Washington, DC. I am ashamed that legal fiction has anything whatsoever to do with Texas and Texans.

    To be against the U.S. Federal Government is to be as American as was Thomas Jefferson, Daniel Webster, John Adams, John Tyler, Jefferson Davis, and others.

    The entire NEWS show was set up to trash artists, such as Susan Sarendon, for their Pro-Peace stand against an illegal war. The guest on the show was this loathsome creature name Dr. Michael Savage, the host of the show Savage Nation. Dr. Savage's entire diatribe was meant to smear these artists for their standing up for Peace.

    As I watched this man entity he reminded me of Joe McCarthy as he threw around platitudes and cliches from the 1950's, like 'Anti-American'. He even went so far to say that these artists have NO business interfering in politics. He openly recommended that no one even go to their movies!

    Well that recommendation works two ways folks.

    I am listening to David Icke speak on the Jeff Rense show as my anger increases over this nauseating attack against these Pro-Peace artists. David is speaking about our reality, and how we create our reality and can accept what others present to us, or create another for ourselves.

    I do not recommend emailing, writing, or phoning Dr. Savage. That is only cutting at the tail of the snake. Go for the head of the snake.. those that are responsible for this man entity and his show even being aired. We know already that MSNBC makes the show available. Find out your local station that carries the show. Locate radio stations that might be carrying the show. Make note of which companies are advertising and sponsoring this show.

    Then write (the most effective), phone, and email each one that assisted in making the show available. Let them know that in your reality, their product no longer exists. In other words, their products or stations or networks, will NEVER be in your sight or your home again. Your reality will be set free from such shows that propagate tyranny and incite people against people. Complain in writing to your local retailers for carrying those products. The show airs on televsion on Saturday. Start making notes. Change a bit of your reality. Let these sponsors know full well that it is an outright lie to allow that show to say you are anti-American simply because you are pro-Peace.

    Also let them know that you very well intend to tell everyone in your sphere of influence about their sponsoring such a propaganda tool as this show. Everyone has a sphere of influence of around 100 people.

    This damned insane war is NOT a war of Americans against Iraq. It is a war of Washington D.C. against Iraq. Many states and cities have supported PEACE and took the NO-WAR stand.

    I am and many of you are PRO-TROOPs too. I don't want them over there in harm's way in a war that is illegal as the Federal Government in Washington D.C. is. I want those soldiers proudly defending OUR nations and shores. Not sent off to be maimed or killed in a foreign land in a country whose people have never threatened the American people or any of our shores.

    That, of course, is their only constitutional function. They are not to be cannon fodder for use by the Federal Government in wars they have no business in. Soldiers ask yourselves, why is the flag on your shoulder backwards? Why is the field of blue on the wrong side? You are NOT fighting for YOUR country.. that is not the flag of your country.

    This Dr. Savage made his 'line in the sand' when he stated that the artists should not make their Pro-Peace views known. He is attempting to restrict their freedom and rights.

    To Islamic Jihadists: Note Americans are not your enemy. The U.S. Federal Government is. I am ashamed and dismayed as I drive through Texas and see the Star and Stripes flying in Occupation over our courthouses and government buildings. This is Texas and Texas flags should be the ONLY flag marking its property. This same holds true when I drive through Missouri, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Louisiana, etc. It's a disgrace to the entire concept of freedom to have the flag of Occupation flying over these lands and government buildings. The Federal Government of the United States has stolen the freedom, independence and sovereignty from these states.

    Now locate the movies, songs, etc. that these honest artists have worked on and go see the movies! Support those that support PEACE. Buy French wine and German beer! Buy Canadian products. Let your hard earned dollars vote your will too. If you are outside the U.S. and the show is shown there contact your government officials about this insanity.

    Shows like this are purely propaganda and tend to incite people against people for simply having different viewpoints. We can pull the plug on riot inciting shows such as this. We, the Pro-Peacers, are the majority in the AMERICAS.

    They have a right to their opinions. Never have they had the right to restrict our rights or lie about us.

    editorial and opinion by L. Savage

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