I told her... Results: unexpected.

by cappytan 34 Replies latest members private

  • OneEyedJoe
    At the moment, I still respect the scriptures and feel that living according to Jesus philosophy stated on the Sermon on the Mount can be beneficial and bring a sense of happiness and bring one in harmony with his neighbors. My brain is wired for searching for "Truth," and who knows, someday that search for "Truth" may lead elsewhere

    To repeat the advice you've been getting...take it slow.  There's no need to completely demolish everything you've believed in just because some men manipulated the widespread belief in the bible in order to create their publishing (and now real-estate) cult.  

    Such dedication to the scriptures will probably help you in winning over your wife, since even within the cult they make such a great emphasis on adherence to scripture (even if it's just lip service, it still sinks in).  It works even if you're atheist, but most of the time people (especially your wife) will pick up on it if you're genuine, instead of just using the scriptures because they support you, even if you don't really believe in them.

  • tidalblitz
    Congratulations Cappytan! Hopefully you get to leave on your own terms. When I mentioned doubts to my wife, she shut down and went into cry mode for an hour. We also had discussions about tight pants and spanx with my in-laws and there was no criticism there. My wife and her family believe this stuff 100%. There is no doubt in their minds. So you've got a good thing there with your wife being able to openly express doubts about core doctrines.
  • quest81

    Welcome cappytan. You are a lucky man to have a wife you can discuss your religious concerns with. Tread carefully though, like others have said here, be wary of external manipulation.

    I doubt anyone who reads Crisis of Conscience can ever defend the Watchtower, have you read Carl Olof Jonsson's - The Gentile Times Reconsidered?  One more thing I cannot emphasize enough is that you covertly read Steve Hassan's - Combating Cult  Mind Control. Hassan's book helps you understand why adherents behave the way they do, why they emotionally defend what by all means may be deemed illogical. It will also provides some guidelines on how to navigate around cult/JW personality and appeal to the authentic individual.

  • cappytan
     One more thing I cannot emphasize enough is that you covertly read Steve Hassan's - Combating Cult  Mind Control.

    I wonder what the reaction would be if I read it openly and when asked about it say, "But we're not a cult, so it's nothing to worry about, right?"

  • Xanthippe
    Cappytan, what great news. Well done. Sandals and foot fetish! They are quite mad aren't they? Thanks for telling us what people are saying about the GB, it gives me hope for my brother and sisters.
  • OneEyedJoe
    I wonder what the reaction would be if I read it openly and when asked about it say, "But we're not a cult, so it's nothing to worry about, right?"

    You know your wife better than we do.  I suspect a great deal of her reaction would be determined by how out of character such reading would be.  If you frequently read books on various subjects, then it might not set off alarm bells like it would for some others.  If it's not super out of character, it sounds like she might not be overly shocked by it.  

    While we're on the topic, you might find this thread to be of benefit:


  • whathappened
    Go slow...don't spook her now!
  • JWdaughter
    Cappy, we're so happy for you!!!
  • breakfast of champions
    breakfast of champions
    Congrats CAPPYTAN! It sounds like you married a wonderful person.
  • disposable hero of hypocrisy
    disposable hero of hypocrisy

    Oh cap'n my cap'n. 

    You lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky lucky man! 

    Thanks for posting this,  maybe we should compile an apostayearbook of experiences like this.... 

    I still live in hope for me and my wife. 

    Good for you and yours!

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