England prepare to get Spiced

by SpiceItUp 133 Replies latest members private

  • Englishman

    Ok, Ok.

    Bank holidays. We have 6 bank holidays a year. They're always on a Monday and have been around for ages. Designed originally so that bank staff could occasionally have 2 consecutive days off, Sunday and Monday, businesses soon found that they couldn't function too well if the banks were closed, so they closed as well.

    It's become tradition now, and even shops only open for a few hours on Bank Holiday. Also, it's become holiday time, and is the best time not to go on the roads. Prior to a bank holiday, Friday nights see's the motorways jam packed as people stream south-west to get 3 nights away from home at a seaside resort (like WSM!) before clogging the whole thing up in the reverse direction on the Monday evening.


  • Xena

    Ya'll mind if another stray american joins the party? I should be in the area.....

  • Englishman
    Ya'll mind if another stray american joins the party? I should be in the area


    It looks like were are really going to have a party!


    I'm off shortly to buy some wine and beer for the bash, is there anything else that our hosts would like us to contribute?


  • Angharad

    Great Xena - look forward to meeting you!

  • Dansk
    Ya'll mind if another stray american joins the party? I should be in the area.....

    I don't believe it! The Yanks wanted their independence and now their all coming over here - and in my back yard of Manchester to boot! Dansk - who's looking forwad to seeing everybody!

  • Xena

    Rumor has it there are some Brits that just don't appreciate Americans like they should...lol we figure it is our job to come over there and try to convert them to the dark side uummm our viewpoint

    looking forward to meeting everyone....but very sad to hear my favorite bit of cat nip (brummie) can't make it

  • Dansk

    You Yanks are welcome here in Manchester ....................

    providing you bring Hershey chocolate and Tootsie Rolls!

    Dansk - of the chocolate appreciation society

  • SpiceItUp

    Dansk---would you settle for Salt Water taffy

    Yay------I'll be flying out in a week and a day. Can't wait. I want to start packing now....but sigh I will have to wear clothes during this next week.

    So whats the weather gonna be like? Im hoping for a few nice cool and rainy days. I love the rain and the cold (be so nice from hot stupid humid FL)

    Ill see you all soon. it sure looks like we have a nice group together.

    Me and Xena will have to show ya'll that us American gals sure love them Brits

    cheerio for now

  • SpiceItUp

    Accckkkk!!!!!.....why does that take me to another site completely.....

  • Simon

    I just fixed it ... it was an embedded page

    LOL LittleToe. I'm looking for some sunglasses and sideburns and a big white tassled jumpsuit. Our local Debenhams doesn't sell them though :(

    "Simon has left the building"

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