Just had a thought…

by Vidiot 65 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Foolednomore

    Why would you invest in Watchtower when you have to continue paying into the investment and have yet to see one dividend? This is your Time,and money, your life. What do you have to show?

  • Vidiot

    So, they’re not hostile towards former members simply because they’ve left…

    …they feel threatened because they’re afraid that XJWs leaving might make the WT crumble.


  • ElderBerry

    “When doubts manifest, one of the possible reactions is to double down and dig in. The more you do that, the more sunk the cost gets. “

    This is so true with so many things. Those who took the vax multiple times don’t want to take the red pill that it’s harming them, they prefer the blue pill that it is safe for humans.

    JWs who have invested years even decades to the Borg don’t want to take the red pill because it’s terrifying. The blue pill is the easy option and even if on a subconscious level they know they are taking the blue pill they lock that away in their brains never to be opened

  • ElderBerry

    The Cypher character in the Matrix is so interesting. He wishes he could go back and take the blue pill as he thought ignorance is bliss. He chose to do his best now for the situation he was in.

    This is where JWLITE come in. For many JWs who don’t believe the GB anymore it’s too late and they wish they didn’t get red killed to the GB being wrong, they can’t go back and take the blue pill which would mean carrying on believing the GB were chosen by Jesus in 1919.

    Is there a way to take the red pill and live as if you took the blue pill? Yes there is, it’s called JWLITE 👏

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    What could make the WT crumble?

    Cognitive dissonance reaching a fever pitch amongst the rank and file leading to a vast majority becoming PIMO,,there goes the donations and power out the window.

    Ultimately leading to the downfall of the GB cushy, early retirement gone bye bye...

    They have no choice but to double down and become more hostile.

  • ElderBerry

    I do see many more slowly becoming PIMO JWLITE

    just look how many brothers are not bothered about ‘reaching out’

    they are lowering the age and other requirements but still so many are saying “no thanks” when elders tell them that they really should be reaching out to be a ministerial servant

    To leave entirely is not necessarily the best option, now that the option of staying in JWLITE is on the table.

    It would be great if there was a secret code or something that someone could drop into conversation without risking getting called into the back rooms

    A code for example “I love the new light at the 2023 AGM about last minute repentance” this could be all you need to say then someone else who decided JWLITE is the best way would say back “yes it’s encouraging how Jehovahs chariot is on the move”

    this could be the secret code PIMOs show each other that they are in the know.

  • DesirousOfChange

    I know many JWs who would claim: "But they (WTS/GB) have been right about everything else!"

    Such as what, you ask?

    Trinity is untrue

    Soul is not immortal

    Hell is common grave (not Hell Fire)

    Only group fulfilling Matt 24:14 (worldwide preaching)

    Only group remaining "no part of the world"

    Only group (widely) using the name "Jehovah" (vindication of God's name)

    Displaying unequaled True Love of Brother (or Mankind)

    Unparalleled growth (proof of Jah's Holy Spirit & blessing)


  • LongHairGal


    So, let them double down on the hatred of people who don’t go anymore.

    And I was never the type to try to ‘drag anybody out of the religion’. I always believed in ‘live and let live’. Obviously, JWs do not. They are very threatened by anybody who has stopped being active in the religion.

    I have seen this lately. It took a long time because I walked away over two decades ago. It’s just as well. I won’t have to hear bellyaching about the consequences of anybody following bad advice and zero financial planning.

    The clock on the wall was ticking while these Witnesses were in fantasy/sleep mode.. When I heard the religion recently did away with the reporting of hours - I was thankful I never listened to any of this!

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim


    If i could hit your "like" button 1000 times!!!

  • IWant2Know

    FFGhost said:

    I think you nailed it.
    Some of the most hysterically vicious comments I’ve ever heard were JWs ranting, sometimes at a meeting, sometimes in a private setting, about either gays or evolution.
    It’s interesting, I never heard such utter vile disgust directed toward, say, murderers or drug dealers or child pornographers, etc. Just solely directed toward, as you noted, persons or concepts that very likely, on some level, they hoped were wrong but maybe weren’t.

    Great post, FFGhost. Because like in Stephen Lett's infamous comment, he didn't refer to murderers or violent people, or people who like to get high or prey on children who come back in the resurrection and who still lean towards those tendencies.

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