Just curious - is apostasy grounds for divorce?

by LifesNotOver 37 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LifesNotOver

    I know only adultery is supposed to be grounds for "scriptural" divorce. I'm a wicked apostate in their eyes, but my believing husband and I still can't get a divorce that would allow him to remarry. Right? We currently are separated - I have left him. I may not be wording this very clearly. But my understanding is that I'd have to sleep with another man and there'd have to be witnesses or I'd have to admit to it. Then he'd have to file for the divorce. I wonder if we even really have grounds for a separation. I don't think so - so we're technically "unscripturally" separated. Oh, wait, me being an apostate is probably grounds for the separation - what is it called? spiritual endangerment. Oh my goodness isn't this all so stupid? He could sleep with someone else and then I could get a "scriptural" divorce from him and then he could get remarried. But then he'd be disfellowshipped for adultery or fornication or something. The more I try and wrap my head around this, the more my head spins!

    Also, just thinking :) if I were to sleep with another woman (no, I'm not inclined that way), would that count as adultery? I'm so glad to be out of that religion! It's nuts! And I'm not about to sleep with anyone, man or woman, I'm 70 for goodness sakes, not that that makes me too old or anything, I just can't see being interested in all that again.

    Thanks for listening to my babbling and I won't be hurt if nobody wants to bother replying to this mess. :)

  • sir82

    Yesterday's WT was on this very topic.

    No, it is not grounds for a "scriptural" divorce. Separation, yes, but JW-approved divorce, no.

  • Wait For It
    Wait For It

    It's grounds for separation in the sense of protecting one's spiruality and relationship with Jehovah.

    If you start dating again, however, he could have scriptural grounds to divorce you if they suspect you of fornication. Or if you re-marry. Then he can re-marry.

    This situation happened with my parents.

  • James Mixon
    James Mixon

    You are in a marriage, Satan/Jehovah. That should be grounds for a divorce.

  • Listener

    Better still, just have a bloke sleep over for the night and get two witnesses or inform the elders and your husband will have grounds for divorce. No hanky panky is necessary.

  • Darkknight757

    The whole idea is goofy considering the whole religion is fake. I like Listeners idea of just telling the elders that you had a man friend sleep over. You don't have to go into detail. Just tell them and wiggle your eyebrows up and down and they'll get the point.

  • Joyzabel

    Enjoy your freedom! Do whatever you want or don't want! lol, silly religion and their rules.

  • Nameless

    Anyone can get divorced. Remarriage is where the issue is. My ex wife filed for divorce (she cheated, but didn't admit it) and told them that she doesn't want to be married and that there would be no reconciliation and they didn't do squat but read a couple of scriptures. Hands off during the whole ordeal. Remember, they talk the talk, but don't walk the walk! It's all so stupid! I lost out big time trying to be the nice guy! So now I don't trust anything they say!!! Besides, they lost me at the Overlapping gens anyways and that was that! Unless you have family in, then do what you want to do. My only issue is if someone cheats. If you didn't cheat and want to divorce him, then just be upfront about it to him. Better to get it off your chest now, unless you are trying to keep it on the lowdown because of family. Sorry if I sound bitter, was slandered during the whole ordeal so she could hide her actions. Actually it was kinda good because know I don't talk to any of them anymore (smooth fade). Go and be happy, enjoy life!!!

  • Chook

    No but they say it is grounds for separation spiritual endangerment same thing

  • Chook

    My whole argument is if the first two presidents of the watchtower could not hold their marriages together how do they expect the little fellows to succeed

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