Changed behavior of the governing body on the topic of “vaccinations” in the Covid era

by Pedro 51 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • Pedro

    I don't think that works. One of the instructions during the Covid hysteria concerned elders who were critical of experimental genetic therapy. They were advised to stop immediately, otherwise they would be seen as causing divisions in the congregation. This will be checked the next time the circuit overseer visits.

    In my view, this instruction was an open threat to all critics. here is the exact wording:

    "74. Branch offices have reported that some elders have voiced strong personal opinions against COVID-19 vaccination. Why is this of concern? Romans 13:1 says that "the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God." Also, the study note on Romans 13:5 says: "A Christian submits to human governments when a command does not contradict God's laws." Romans 13:2 states: "Whoever opposes the [secular] authority has taken a stand against the arrangement of God." Thus, elders should be careful not to voice personal opinions that contradict direction from the superior authorities. lf an elder has been doing so, now is the time to stop. (Matt. 22:21; Rom. 13:4-7) Otherwise, he could become guilty of causing divisions in the congregation."

  • Vidiot
    Pedro - There is also an interesting article about it here:

    Jeezus. 😳

    “Interesting” doesn’t even begin to describe it. If this is legit, it’s a veritable smoking gun.

    Link, “Like”, and hashtag the SHIT out of it.

  • ElderBerry

    Yes this is the smoking gun. But I agree with answering up next time we get a watchtower saying follow direction even if you don’t agree.

    Your answer must be as has been said “it was so good having the governing body updates telling us the vaccines are safe, all the news reports of excess deaths and illness are just Satans attacks on the GB” 👏

  • ElderBerry

    Our PIMO Bethel ally continues to provide food at the improper time! This latest leaked video was only intended for Branch Committee members; 99% of JWs will never know it even exists.

    It was hosted by Gajus Glockentin, a Helper to the Publishing Committee, who, with an accent amusingly reminiscent of Arnold Schwarzenegger, opened with this statement: “We are going to discuss your role in an urgent matter: engaging authorities to secure tax exemptions for Jehovah’s organization.”

    Why is this "urgent"? Gajus continues: "This is important for two reasons. 1. To conserve dedicated funds to advance Kingdom interests and 2. Legally establish the good news, as the government is recognizing us as a not-for-profit religious organization."

    Also revealed in the introduction was that just in African branches alone, over $15 million dollars are spent annually on taxes for construction materials. The death of Watch Tower may come from taxes, if it doesn't come from multi-million dollar lawsuits first.

    Philip Brumley, who was recently sanctioned by a federal court in Montana for a "sustained effort to deceive," and fined over $150,000, next appeared in the video to give his expert legal advice to Branch Committee Members:

    "The procurement and protection of favorable tax status is a key responsibility of the Branch Committee." He went on to quote from the secret, not so secret Branch Organization manual, as seen in the third attached image.

    It is of interest that this video is dated to 2021, shortly before JWs in Norway lost tax funding due to their troubling practices and harmful policies!

    Brumley concluded: "Although taking a matter to court is the last resort, when we do litigate, we do so vigorously and tenaciously.” Yikes.

    The next Watch Tower representative to appear was Paul Gillies, Overseer of Office of Public Information, aka master spin doctor.

    “We may have to break down some resistance in order to obtain what we are rightfully entitled to. We do this, not in a demanding manner, but using a gentle, persuasive tongue. To persuade a tax official, it may be good to explain how the volunteer nature of our work benefits the community. And this is the area where the brothers from the Public Information Desk can assist you.”

    To this end, PID produced a special video for government officials entitled: "Jehovah’s Witnesses in the Community", as seen in the fifth image attached. Below are a few quotes from this shameless propaganda piece that may cause your blood pressure to rise:

    “As Christians and students of the Bible, they obey the command: “You must love your neighbor as yourself.” They treat people the way they would like to be treated, devoting time, effort, and resources to help their communities. In what ways? Through their education work, by providing humanitarian aid, and in their community development efforts.

    “Jehovah’s Witnesses…are motivated purely by love. Any donations Jehovah’s Witnesses receive are used to support their religious and humanitarian activities. Officials around the world have recognized the benefits of the educational work of Jehovah’s Witnesses. Because of these programs and efforts, many governments provide JWs appropriate legal recognition, such as tax exemptions, to support this work.”

    Gajus concluded by saying: "Our prayer is that this new video will help your branch explain our work to government officials authorized to provide tax relief. We believe that when officials understand our organization, doors previously shut can open."

    Actually, governments are starting to see Watch Tower for who they truly are: Ravenous wolves, in sheep's clothing, as Matthew 7:15 states. Watch Tower will continue to reap what they sow. Look forward to your thoughts and a special thank you to our undercover brother for continuing to let that light shine!

    Has anyone got the leaked video?

  • Vidiot
    “... ‘we are so pleased we had the GB to tell us it would be ok to take the vaccines, all the reports now of excess deaths and ruined health from the vaccines is obviously Satan trying to tarnish the GB reputation, so pleased we can trust the GB and not Satans world’…


    Know what’s really funny?

    I can totally picture some braindead loyalist saying this, verbatim, and
    meaning every fucking word.

    Poe’s Law, man.

  • Vidiot

    The part where the guy says that the WT is actually “entitled” to tax-exemption was one of the things that really jumped out at me.

    Pretty sure the Catholics call that “hubris”.

  • Pedro
    Has anyone got the leaked video?

    The original video was deleted from YouTube. There is a version in which the video can be seen with comments. My favorite comment is the expression “governing NObody”. The link to the original video is included in the description, but it runs into an error "video has been deleted".

    Here is the link to the video with the comments.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Theocratic warfare is lying for the Borg.

    Anything to avoid legal matters. What other way would there be?

  • Vidiot

    Taken with everything else we’ve observed the past few years, it all but proves conclusively the theory that the WTS’s business model is dependent on tax-exemption, and what’s more, its time stamp indicates it has for a while now, and asset liquidation ain’t cutting it, anymore.

    God. Damn.

  • Teddnzo

    I remember during the height of covid all the religious leaders seemed to be saying Gods wants you take the vax, it’s an act of love to take the shots.

    Some were leaking that all these religions were threatened with losing tax exemption charitable status unless they pushed the vaccine on all their followers.

    this leaked video seems to confirm it.

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