Is the tide turning against covid vaccines?

by slimboyfat 173 Replies latest social current

  • scary21

    I went back and forth about getting the jab. I have COPD and am over 65.

    I got Covid Delta. I had no discomfort at all. My symptoms were like a sleeping sickness with no appetite. Also for two days everthing tasted like salt.

    My oxygen saturation level is usually 95% and it went as low as 93%

    Years ago in 1992 I had the flu that lasted two days and that was much worse.

    So when people say if I didn't get the jab I would have died, how do you know? I believe I made the right choice for me. I never got Covid again. I do get the flu Vaccine and Pneumonia too.

    Lots of people died from something else but they also had Covid when they died. So they put down that they died of Covid. Just my personal story.

  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot

    ExBethelitenowPIMA 12 hours ago

    I keep thinking when something comes out wow this is huge, now we know for sure that they were not safe or effective. But no, there seems to be some kind of mass psychosis in the general public and even more concentrated in JWs.

    We need a "Emperor has no clothes" moment.

    - RB

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    RB yes the emperor new clothes really fits here.

    Even a child can see now that hardly any excess deaths during the plandemic but such a fuss was made, and now after the vaccines excess deaths are going through the roof, but not a squeak about it anywhere

  • BoogerMan

    Looks like the EU - WHO partnership is about to turn the tide back again - for a worldwide vaccine passport.

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    I wonder if there will be an article on entitled “Why so many excess deaths since the vaccines?” Or “Don’t believe the antivaxers”

    Or will we get another WTower article saying “Follow direction from the GB even if you don’t understand why” here is the first paragraph-

    1. Why should you follow direction from the governing body even if you don’t agree with it?

    1. During the pandemic there was a lot of disinformation and it was hard to know what was true and what was not. The faithful and discreet slave class received direction from Jehovah that it was safe to take the vaccines and this is why it was on all the updates and broadcasts to be fully vaccinated. Some doubted these vaccines were safe or effective but are we not so pleased that we have direction we can trust so that we know for sure that the vaccines are safe and effective? In the future if there is direction that is hard to understand we just need to think back to the direction to be fully vaccinated and how safe and effective this direction was.

  • Dis-Member

    Bit too late for turning tides..

    700 Million Worldwide Will Die from CV19 Vaxx by 2028 – Dr. David Martin

    Greg refers to the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have been killed and maimed by the bioweapons of COVID-19 and its “vaccine” and he asks if it’s going to get worse?

    Dr Martin answers in the affirmative, saying, “The fact is, when you inject mRNA into a human being, which is what the current manipulations are, that mRNA makes the human body produce a scheduled toxin – and by ‘scheduled toxin’, I mean the spike protein modeled after the coronavirus spike protein and we need to be clear on the fact that by all of their own admission, the spike protein that the injection manufactures is a computer-simulation of a chimera of the spike protein of coronavirus.

    “It is, in fact not a coronavirus vaccine, it is a spike protein instruction to make the human body produce a toxin – and that toxin has been scheduled as a known ‘biologic agent of concern’ with respect to biological weapons for the last, now decade and a half.

    “The fact of the matter is the injections are an act of bioweapons and bioterrorism, they are not a public health measure and the facts are very simple: this was premeditated, this was actually an action taken specifically, as disclosed in 2015 at the National Academy of Sciences when Peter Daszak, who is the money-launderer in chief, the guy who sent money over to the Wuhan labs in China during the gain-of-function moratorium, when he made the statement, as I’ve repeated many, many times – and I’ll go ahead and read it for your audience:

    “‘To sustain beyond the crisis, we need to increase the public understanding for the need for medical counter measures, such as a pan coronavirus vaccine. A key driver is the media and the economics will follow the hype. We need to use that hype to our advantage to get to the real issues. Investors will follow if they see profit at the end of the process.’

    “Peter Daszak, in 2015 actually stated that this entire exercise was a campaign of domestic terror to get the public to accept a universal vaccine platform using a known biological weapon – and that is their own words, not my interpretation.”

    Dr Martin reminds us that, “In 2011, when the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Chinese CDC, the Wellcome Trust – Jeremy Farrar at the Welcome Trust – and others published ‘The Decade of Vaccination’, back in 2011, their stated objective was a population reduction of 15% of the world’s population.

    “Put that in perspective. That’s about 700 million people dead…

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    There are now more excess deaths above baseline than during the pandemic

    Yet mainstream don’t mention it, I wonder why?

    Gov Body hope the Jdubs keep their blinkers in

  • Dis-Member

    Deaths during the pandemic? What deaths?

    I personally know of 10 or 11 people that have died within months of taking those jabs. Several more have had strokes.

    A Mother and daughter in same family 'died suddenly' within months of each other after taking those jabs.

    Dozens more are constantly sick and ill and have never felt the same since.

    While all that was going on during the entire year and a half UK lockdown I volunteered for the British Royal Medical Service (not because I believed in any of it, but because I wanted access to have a closer look)

    This involved me being in and out of five of London's biggest major hospitals, in constant contact with so-called sick and highly infectious 'Koovid' patients.

    And guess what, I never had a single jab, and I never wore whilst mask one single time. And yet I never had so much as even had a sniffle.

    I also never spent a single second locked down or following the stupid rule of "stay home".

    But what I did see was people being murdered on ventilators and with Remdezivir.

    I saw the entire farce and scam play out live right before my eyes. Hospitals completely empty.. newspaper headlines claiming and stating covid wards were overflowing..

    What crap, I was in those hospitals.. St George's in London for example has 1,300 beds.

    And yet some of the covid wards had just 12 beds. Sure, you put eight people in there with pretend covid and you are basically overflowing.

    This was the single biggest scam ever perpetrated on humanity. And I'm absolutely stunned so many fell for it.

    Even in here.

    I never knew people could be brainwashed twice.

    On a positive note what I did do was jump on my motorbike and rode and wild camped the entire coastline of the UK and through all it's beautiful huge green areas anticlockwise including two weeks in the beautiful Scottish Highlands.. and because the entire zombie population were locked in their homes I had the whole of the UK coastal enter myself. What bliss..

    I also spent time standing outside vaccination centers harassing the doctors and nurses with uncomfortable facts and science convincing people queuing up outside not to take these death jabs. How come I was never arrested I wonder?

    I estimate roughly I've managed to stop over 450 people from killing themselves.

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    There were only slightly higher excess deaths above baseline over the pandemic. Most covid deaths were lies they died of something else they would have died anyway if no pandemic and it was called covid. The actual number of covid deaths was much lower than we were told.

    Millions used to die of normal Flu every year but during covid nobody was dying of flu anymore. Flu went away so we were told. Of course it was a lie, they were still dying flu it was just being put down as covid deaths.

    after the vaccine rollout there are actually more excess deaths than during covid.

    there are more excess deaths above baseline in countries that had more jabs than countries that had less

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    In the face of all the evidence that has been put out there, how can anyone possibly believe these injections were safe and effective?

    how can JWs overlook all the covid updates where gov body kept pushing fully vaccinated even saying “you may be wondering what do these brothers know, wrong question. The right question is what does Jehovah know”

    This was saying that Jehovah is the one telling you to be fully vaccinated. They are saying it’s Jehovah telling them to get everybody fully vaccinated.

    You still can’t go to any schools or work on any projects until you are fully vaccinated.

    Why can’t the majority of witnesses see this is wrong and it is harmful to follow the direction?

    the answer is the same as why so many overlook all the times the gov body were wrong in the past.

    They were wrong about 1914, 1935, 1975 and now the overlapping generations.

    in the future they will have to change 1914 doctrine again as we are getting to far away from it. The gov bod are wrong on so many levels but as long as JWs have their blinkers on they will carry on following direction and keep getting their boosters

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