Thought on “0 hours” reporting

by FFGhost 83 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    Yea,,,its a way of massaging the numbers again.

    To make it look like something is happening when really theres nothing.

  • Vidiot

    There’s another possibility that could’ve factored into this decision…

    …more and more average JWs working door-to-door, trolleys, and park tables encounter “apostates” who they can’t defend their faith from (without lying), and/or regular householders who know too much about the Org’s pedo problems, and aren’t shy about it (like back in the day when they were accused of being “false prophets”, only way, way worse 😏).

    I think it’s entirely possible that we’ve reached a critical mass of nonmembers who know too many uncomfortable facts and truths, and it’s actually started to have a negative impact on the witnessing work.

    Changing up the ministry could be an attempt to insulate the rank-and-file from that.

  • Jofi_Wofo

    No more hours doesn't mean no more accountability. In my old hall, the elders insisted that we must be regular, and therefore consistently following the same ministry schedule. No matter how many hours you got, you still were pressured to go to the SAME preaching group days/times as consistently as possible. Now that most people won't be handing in numbers, the congregation will now be more attentive to how visible you are in the ministry. Incidental and casual witnessing be damned - we better SEE you out there in the groups and at the carts. More snooping, more shame.

    Also, more pressure than ever will be put on all members to either pioneer or auxiliary pioneer as much as possible. That way, they can gaslight you into accepting that you VOLUNTEERED to have your hours counted and have no one to blame for your exhaustion and stress but yourself.

  • Jofi_Wofo

    @Vidiot Although it somewhat contradicts my own point, I've thought of that too. The less JWs put themselves out there, the less they will be challenged with questions they're not allowed to research answers to.

  • blondie

    You guys are so funny, and thinking deeply; many jws look for ways around what the WTS says, letter of the law, not the spirit of it. I found as a regular pioneer, the other pioneers had many ways to give the appearance but really not obeying.

  • road to nowhere
  • sloppyjoe2

    I think as EXJWs everyone gets lumped into the same category as we were when we were PIMO. Many JWs enjoy field service. They are retired and have nothing else to do. They have no job, and have nothing else to do. Even the ones that don't enjoy service believe that you still have to do as much preaching work as possible in order to obtain everlasting life. The org and elders are still going to push that they should be going out in service as much as possible. It will still work like always. The only people this benefits are PIMOs, PIMQ and those that are inactive or irregular. They will now be able to check the box every month. This will benefit the ORG in the annual report as they will be able to report new all time highs in publishers.

  • NotFormer

    sloppyjoe2, you make an interesting point. I remember a pair of old lady Witnesses who used to come across as enjoying field service. Of course, this was back when they weren't afraid of a robust discussion.

    I imagine that the only social outlet in a high control environment can actually be enjoyed by those suited for that sort of thing, especially if it's the only way they know, as you suggest.

  • enoughisenough

    sloppyoe2--I agree about some retirees liking the gets them out of the house and somethiing to do and at the same time get pats on the back from the r and f.

  • Phizzy

    I haven't the time to go back overt the thread, sorry, and this point has been made I'm sure, but the point is, when the Borg makes a move, especially an unexpected one, it is always to do with the $$$.

    This move gives the Org. a much stronger argument that they do not have Agency (in legalese) over individual J.W's in Abuse cases, then they will not have to pay compensation. I think that is the prime motivator for this move.

    The Org. cares no more for individual members than Hamas does, and cares even less for the poor Victims of Abuse.

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