I'm Catholic and madly in love with a Jehovah Witness...

by Luge62 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • goingthruthemotions

    Luge62....man wake up. the dubs love is conditional...don't find out the hard way. you can't turn back time.

  • Luge62

    Thank you everyone so much for your advise. It is deeply appreciated. I want her to have nothing but happiness. So if that means without me so be it. But I'm not a quitter and DO NOT want to lose someone who I believe is my soulmate.

  • roberto avon
    roberto avon

    Hi Luge,

    that is my story or maybe I should say it was, because it was 28 years ago. What to say? We are really happy and have 3 children none of them is a jw but I must admit that there is some truth in every comment that I read. I wish you good luck and the only advise I can give to you is to try to find out if she really wants you as you are and let the future children make their own choice.

  • Luge62
    Thank Roberto that is excellent advice. By the way I'm 52 and she's 32. Yes big age difference but we both don't see it that way.
  • steve2

    A man or woman who is madly in love is not about to see reason.

    Hold on tight, man! It's gonna be a bumpy ride.

  • Gayle

    Please lookup: jwfacts.com. read as thoroughly as you can,,it has JW literature quotes all throughout.. Sort out some main points disturbing to you: like perhaps their shunning, blood transfusion policy, 2-witness rule regarding their internal pedophiles, college discouragement for their youth,etc.

    Now the tester: go over these with her. See how she reacts. If she is defensive or angry toward your points, you will see if she denies or belittles your source (which quotes their own literature).

    Then, run! If she stays wanting to know more, then have her read that site and more suggested books listed here.

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    As far as I'm concerned, the JW's have become ever more cultier than ever before just in the last 6 months to year-and-half now. The JW who wants to marry a Catholic will face the henchmen in that of their local elders. They have changed a lot of their ''disciplinary'' words to ''brazen conduct'' broadening the scope of offenses, they are a lot quicker now to disfellowship(excommunication). It's up to the local JW gestapo what punishment they will administer though.

    Shunning is now enforced to a stronghold, so any relatives including your immediate family not living under your roof will ostracize you at will. Remember, once you sign your life away by baptism, it's a life long contract. Shunning a JW family member takes precedence in practising loyalty to the cult.

  • _Morpheus

    I too was madly in love with a Jehovahs witness... then I married her. Cured me of that.

    But to your point.... What exactly is the rush? Not to be overly pointed but it seems that in a fairly short period of time all your questions will be answered. Her meetings with the ministers (called elders in witness parlance) won't last more than a week at most. Your 52 years old. at that age you know full well a little patience goes a long way. Relax. Let it play out. You will know soon enough just where you stand with her. Read up on this site and see exactly what the real life experiences of witnesses are understand that neither you nor her are different. Neither of you are special little snow flakes. The problems that the religion creates for them it will create for the two of you. Its a time bomb waiting to explode if your not fully ready and aware.

    Relax and read up :)

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    the age difference is nothing. if its both what you want--go for it, she will get disfellowshipped---which is the best thing that could happen to her. then--prove your love for her.

    go for it man !

  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    Luge, the best advise I can give you is to tell her that if she marries you she cannot stay in that religion and any children you two may have will NEVER participate in it. That unfortunately is a condition that most JWs will never abide by. Nonetheless that would leave the problem of her being shunned by her relatives.

    Her not trying to convince you to change your beliefs is irrelevant. That will not lessen the turmoil you'll face in the future.

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