I'm Catholic and madly in love with a Jehovah Witness...

by Luge62 61 Replies latest jw friends

  • Luge62

    We are madly in love with each other and she is in the process of being divorced. Let me make one thing clear I'm not the reason for the divorce. She attempted to reconcile with him but to no avail. She even had serval meetings with the ministers as well. I've told her I would never tell her to stop believing in her religion. She fears she will be shunned by her friends and family as well as possibly disfellowshipped if she chose to stay with me. I find this hard to believe. Somebody please help. She is the sweetest woman I ever met we talk about marriage and having children. I'm so in love with her.

    Thank you in advance.

  • sparrowdown

    Yes, disfellowshipping and shunning more than likely for her.

    Do you know anything about JWs?

    If not, you need to. JWs are a cult, and you would be marrying into a cult if she decided to stay with the religion.

    Buyer beware.

  • The Searcher
    The Searcher

    Welcome Luge.

    Your girlfriend is in for a heap of trouble - and she knows it. When the elders find out about you, they will tell her to ditch you - because "you are not a worshiper of Jehovah." If she ignores them, she will face marking or disfellowshipping for disregarding their directive.

    I have a relative (J.W.) in a similar situation who has been publicly chastised in the congregation and is now treated like a leper.

    Be prepared for a lot of grief and upset. Sorry.

  • Sail Away
    Sail Away

    It is true, she will be disciplined, likely disfellowshipped and shunned by all including family members. I had a JW friend in the same boat. The elders insisted she break up with him on the telephone in their presence immediately. She refused, so they disfellowshipped her. The shunning even held through the tragic sudden death of her JW son. No one spoke to her at her son's funeral. That's how sick this cult's control can be.

    All too often, cult members return later, after having children, from example, because they still believe. Please educate yourself! Read Combating Cult Mind Control, By Steven Hassan.


  • respectful_observer

    Previously they couldn't technically disfellowship you for marrying a non-J.W., however they recently "clarified" their translation of one the words used in a Bible verse they use to justify the disfellowshipping arrangement. It used to be translated "loose conduct" and was generally applied to behavior of an adult nature. That is now translated as "brazen conduct", and can include brazenly ignoring the repeated scriptural counsel from elders on a matter

    So if the elders are aware of your relationship, they may choose to repeatedly counsel her on the issue, warning her of the dangers of marrying a non-JW. If, in their minds, she "brazenly" ignores their Bible-based counsel on the subject, they hypothetically could choose to charge her with "brazen conduct" and disfellowship her. It's really up to the discretion of her local elders.

    If she chooses to keep your relationship or marriage plans private, the elders wouldn't have the opportunity to counsel her repeatedly, and therefore she wouldn't get the opportunity to display "brazen" conduct.

  • LoisLane looking for Superman
    LoisLane looking for Superman

    Oh, sweet love... I remember it well... from many decades ago.

    Let me say first, I believe in love and I am happy you both found it together. That's the easy part. The hard part is that she most likely will be shunned by old friends and family members, that is, unless you get inoculated with the JW germ as well. You will be love bombed. They will try to make you a JW drone too. What a feather in someone's cap, if they can get you studied with and baptized!

    If you marry and have children, will you allow your child, if they have a bleeding disorder that the doctors say can be fixed with blood transfusions, to have one?

    If you marry and have a hard time conceiving, will you go for IVF? JW's do not believe in it.

    Do you like oral sex? JW's don't do it. Watch Tower bedroom rules.

    If you marry and have children, will you want your wife and children to be away, not doing fun hobbies, but learning how to indoctrinate others into the JW cult?

    If you marry, your JW wife is encouraged to speak out about her faith at every opportunity. How would that work for you if you are invited over to the boss's house for dinner?

    If you really love her and marry and do not go to meetings or assemblys with her, she will be treated like she does not exist and that is even if she is a JW in good standing, as in not DF. If she marries you, she will be considered bad association, which means generally, given the cold shoulder at the KHall or people more or less just say hi and bye to her. If you marry and do go to meetings and assemblys with her, brothers will think they have a chance of a Bible study with you, ugh.

    I think a great idea would be if you and her asked an Elder and wife to come visit, (or you go to their house) that you had some questions. (Heads up. JW's once baptized are not allowed to question anything! Or you will be disfellowshipped). Say you saw the Australian Royal Commission and that in 50 years, over 1000 known pedophiles were not reported to the Police. JW's are the same if not worse than the Catholics! How do you explain this?

    Sorry for the long post.

    Truly, all the best to you and her.


  • goingthruthemotions

    DON'T DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    when i meet my wife i was a catholic, she was an inactive dub.

    there are lots of fish in the sea.....

    if you want too pm me and get more info you can.

    but, i would say....STAY AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • goingthruthemotions

    LISTEN TO LOISLANE.....sorry for yelling. but, i was you and i wish i could turn back time.

    and you can't....Don't get involved. let it go, find a good catholic girl.

  • Luge62
    Sparrow I appreciate your reply but she loves me to and is not asking me to change my beliefs. Thank you for your advise.
  • sir82

    Oh dear.

    Please research JWs thoroughly. This forum is a good place to start - spend a few weeks reading just about everything on here.

    Mixed marriages between JWs and [pick any other religion, or lack of religion] are very difficult.

    Keep in mind that according to her religion, her relationship with you MUST be in second place (at best). Her service to Jehovah comes first.

    Note that in JW-world, "service to Jehovah" is exactly equivalent to "blind obedience to the dictates of the JW power structure".

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